ScrollBar Object Members

Outlook Forms Script Reference

Returns or sets the value of another control based on the position of the scroll box.


  Name Description,office.12).gif BackColor Returns or sets a Long that specifies the background color of the object. Read/write.,office.12).gif Delay Returns or sets a Long that specifies the delay in milliseconds, between events on a ScrollBar. Read/write.,office.12).gif Enabled Returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether a control can receive the focus and respond to user-generated events. Read/write.,office.12).gif ForeColor Returns or sets a Long that specifies the foreground color of an object. Read/write.,office.12).gif LargeChange Returns or sets a Long that specifies the amount of movement that occurs when the user clicks between the scroll box and scroll arrow. Read/write.,office.12).gif Max Returns or sets a Long that specifies the maximum and minimum acceptable values for the Value property of a ScrollBar. Read/write.,office.12).gif Min Returns or sets a Long that specifies the maximum and minimum acceptable values for the Value property of a ScrollBar. Read/write.,office.12).gif MouseIcon Returns a String that represents the full path name of a custom icon that is to be assigned to the control. Read-only.,office.12).gif MousePointer Returns or sets an Integer that specifies the type of pointer displayed when the user positions the mouse over a particular object. Read/write.,office.12).gif Orientation Returns or sets an Integer that specifies whether the control is oriented vertically or horizontally. Read/write.,office.12).gif ProportionalThumb Returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether the size of the scroll box is proportional to the scrolling region or fixed. Read/write.,office.12).gif SmallChange Returns or sets an Integer that specifies the amount of movement that occurs when the user clicks either scroll arrow in a ScrollBar. Read/write.,office.12).gif Value Returns or sets a Variant that specifies the state of a ScrollBar. Read/write.