ID3D10Device::GSSetSamplers method (d3d10.h)

Set an array of sampler states to the geometry shader pipeline stage.


void GSSetSamplers(
  [in] UINT               StartSlot,
  [in] UINT               NumSamplers,
  [in] ID3D10SamplerState * const *ppSamplers


[in] StartSlot

Type: UINT

Index into the device's zero-based array to begin setting samplers to.

[in] NumSamplers

Type: UINT

Number of samplers in the array. Each pipeline stage has a total of 16 sampler slots available.

[in] ppSamplers

Type: ID3D10SamplerState*

Pointer to an array of sampler-state interfaces (see ID3D10SamplerState). See Remarks.

Return value



Any sampler may be set to NULL; this invokes the default state, which is defined to be the following.

//Default sampler state:
D3D10_SAMPLER_DESC SamplerDesc;
SamplerDesc.Filter = D3D10_FILTER_MIN_MAG_MIP_LINEAR;
SamplerDesc.AddressU = D3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP;
SamplerDesc.AddressV = D3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP;
SamplerDesc.AddressW = D3D10_TEXTURE_ADDRESS_CLAMP;
SamplerDesc.MipLODBias = 0;
SamplerDesc.MaxAnisotropy = 1;
SamplerDesc.ComparisonFunc = D3D10_COMPARISON_NEVER;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[0] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[1] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[2] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.BorderColor[3] = 1.0f;
SamplerDesc.MinLOD = -FLT_MAX;
SamplerDesc.MaxLOD = FLT_MAX;

The method will not hold a reference to the interfaces passed in. For that reason, applications should be careful not to release an interface currently in use by the device.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d10.h
Library D3D10.lib

See also

ID3D10Device Interface