ID3D10Buffer interface (d3d10.h)

A buffer interface accesses a buffer resource, which is unstructured memory. Buffers typically store vertex or index data.


The ID3D10Buffer interface inherits from ID3D10Resource. ID3D10Buffer also has these types of members:


The ID3D10Buffer interface has these methods.


Get the properties of a buffer resource. (ID3D10Buffer.GetDesc)

Get a pointer to the data contained in the resource and deny GPU access to the resource.

Invalidate the pointer to the resource retrieved by ID3D10Buffer::Map and reenable GPU access to the resource.


Three types of buffers can be created; vertex, index, and shader-constant buffers. To create a buffer resource, call ID3D10Device::CreateBuffer.

A buffer must be bound to the pipeline before it can be accessed. Buffers can be bound to the input-assembler stage by calls to ID3D10Device::IASetVertexBuffers and ID3D10Device::IASetIndexBuffer, and to the stream-output stage by a call to ID3D10Device::SOSetTargets.

Buffers can be bound to multiple pipeline stages simultaneously for reading. A buffer can also be bound to a single pipeline stage for writing; however, the same buffer cannot be bound for reading and writing simultaneously. For more information, see binding resources.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header d3d10.h

See also


Resource Interfaces