queue::queue (STL/CLR)


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The latest version of this topic can be found at queue::queue (STL/CLR).

Constructs a container adapter object.


queue(queue<Value, Container>% right);  
queue(queue<Value, Container>^ right);  
explicit queue(container_type% wrapped);  


Object to copy.

Wrapped container to use.


The constructor:


creates an empty wrapped container. You use it to specify an empty initial controlled sequence.

The constructor:

queue(queue<Value, Container>% right);

creates a wrapped container that is a copy of right.get_container(). You use it to specify an initial controlled sequence that is a copy of the sequence controlled by the queue object right.

The constructor:

queue(queue<Value, Container>^ right);

creates a wrapped container that is a copy of right->get_container(). You use it to specify an initial controlled sequence that is a copy of the sequence controlled by the queue object *right.

The constructor:

explicit queue(container_type wrapped);

uses the existing container wrapped as the wrapped container. You use it to construct a queue from an existing container.


// cliext_queue_construct.cpp   
// compile with: /clr   
#include <cliext/queue>   
#include <cliext/list>   
typedef cliext::queue<wchar_t> Myqueue;   
typedef cliext::list<wchar_t> Mylist;   
typedef cliext::queue<wchar_t, Mylist> Myqueue_list;   
int main()   
// construct an empty container   
    Myqueue c1;   
    System::Console::WriteLine("size() = {0}", c1.size());   
// construct from an underlying container   
    Mylist v2(5, L'x');   
    Myqueue_list c2(v2);       
    for each (wchar_t elem in c2.get_container())   
        System::Console::Write(" {0}", elem);   
// construct by copying another container   
    Myqueue_list c3(c2);   
    for each (wchar_t elem in c3.get_container())   
        System::Console::Write(" {0}", elem);   
// construct by copying another container through handle   
    Myqueue_list c4(%c2);   
    for each (wchar_t elem in c4.get_container())   
        System::Console::Write(" {0}", elem);   
    return (0);   
() = 0  
 x x x x x  
 x x x x x  
 x x x x x  


Header: <cliext/queue>

Namespace: cliext

See Also

queue (STL/CLR)
queue::assign (STL/CLR)
queue::generic_container (STL/CLR)
queue::operator= (STL/CLR)