2.2.4 CreationErrorType

The CreationErrorType enumeration specifies information for errors encountered during a conversion task.

     namespace Microsoft.HtmlTrans
         enum CreationErrorType : Int32
             CE_NONE                 = 0,
             CE_CRASH                = 1,
             CE_HANG                 = 2,
             CE_OTHER_BLOCKLIST      = 3,
             CE_SERVERFILENOTFOUND   = 4,
             CE_SPGETCONTENTFAILED   = 6,
             CE_DISKWRITEERROR       = 7,
             CE_BADINPUT             = 8,
             CE_BACKENDUNAVAILABLE   = 9,
             CE_ALREADYRUNNING       = 10,
             CE_STARTTIMEOUT         = 11,
             CE_OTHER                = 12

The following table specifies the values of the CreationErrorType enumeration. The enumerations CE_SPGETCONTENTFAILED, CE_BACKENDUNAVAILABLE, and CE_ALREADYRUNNING MUST NOT be used by this protocol because they are undefined.




Conversion finished successfully and a result file was created.


The conversion application exited unexpectedly.


The conversion application took longer than the specified timeout limit to complete the conversion task.


The conversion application finished the conversion task, but did not generate a result file.


The launcher service encountered an error.


The launcher service was unable to create an event or allocate shared memory for the conversion task.


This value is implementation-specific and MUST NOT be used.


The conversion application was unable to write the result file or one of the supporting files to the disk.


One of the parameter values passed to either the IDocumentConversionsLauncher.ConvertFile interface or the IHtmlTrLauncher.CHICreateHtml interface is not valid for one of the following reasons:

  • The appExe parameter contains path information before the file name.

  • The timeout parameter is less than 0 or greater than 1800.

  • The file extension in the strReqFile parameter does not represent a supported file format for conversion.


This value is implementation-specific and MUST NOT be used.


This value is implementation-specific and MUST NOT be used.


The launcher service timed out waiting for the currently running conversion task to finish.


The conversion task did not finish successfully for a reason other than errors specified in this table.  This includes failure to begin the conversion application process.