attAttachRendData Attribute

The attAttachRendData attribute is an attachment-level attribute that contains a structure of information that can be used for rendering the attachment in the body.

Each set of attachment attributes MUST begin with the attAttachRendData attribute, followed by any other attributes; attachment properties encoded in the attAttachment attribute SHOULD be last.

The structure is formatted as follows:

 attAttachRendData = AttachType AttachPosition RenderWidth RenderHeight DataFlags
 AttachType = AttachTypeFile / AttachTypeOle
 AttachPosition= INT32
 DataFlags = FileDataDefault / FileDataMacBinary
 FileDataDefault= %x00.00.00.00

The AttachPosition field maps to and from the PidTagRenderingPosition property ([MS-OXCMSG] section

For details about how the TNEF Writer handles this attribute, see section For details about how the TNEF Reader handles this attribute, see section