IDatabaseOperations Members

Represents all the operations for operating on Azure SQL Databases. Contains operations to: Create, Retrieve, Update, and Delete databases, and also includes the ability to get the event logs for a database.

The following tables list the members exposed by the IDatabaseOperations type.

Public Methods

(see also Extension Methods)

  Name Description
CreateAsync Creates a database in an Azure SQL Database Server.
DeleteAsync Drops a database from an Azure SQL Database Server.
GetAsync Returns information about an Azure SQL Database.
GetEventLogsAsync Returns information about an Azure SQL Database event logs.
ListAsync Returns a collection of Azure SQL Databases.
UpdateAsync Updates the properties of an Azure SQL Database.


Extension Methods

  Name Description
Create  Creates a database in an Azure SQL Database Server. (Defined by DatabaseOperationsExtensions.)
CreateAsync  Creates a database in an Azure SQL Database Server. (Defined by DatabaseOperationsExtensions.)
Delete  Drops a database from an Azure SQL Database Server. (Defined by DatabaseOperationsExtensions.)
DeleteAsync  Drops a database from an Azure SQL Database Server. (Defined by DatabaseOperationsExtensions.)
Get  Returns information about an Azure SQL Database. (Defined by DatabaseOperationsExtensions.)
GetAsync  Returns information about an Azure SQL Database. (Defined by DatabaseOperationsExtensions.)
GetEventLogs  Returns information about an Azure SQL Database event logs. (Defined by DatabaseOperationsExtensions.)
GetEventLogsAsync  Returns information about an Azure SQL Database event logs. (Defined by DatabaseOperationsExtensions.)
List  Returns a collection of Azure SQL Databases. (Defined by DatabaseOperationsExtensions.)
ListAsync  Returns a collection of Azure SQL Databases. (Defined by DatabaseOperationsExtensions.)
Update  Updates the properties of an Azure SQL Database. (Defined by DatabaseOperationsExtensions.)
UpdateAsync  Updates the properties of an Azure SQL Database. (Defined by DatabaseOperationsExtensions.)


See Also


IDatabaseOperations Interface
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Management.Sql Namespace