DataCacheErrorSubStatus Fields


Namespace:   Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching
Assembly:  Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.Core (in Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching.Core.dll)


Name Description
System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static CacheServerUnavailable

The primary cache server is unavailable.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static CacheUnderReconfiguration

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static CertificateRevocationServerOffline

Unable to validate the SSL certificate.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static InternalError

An internal error has occurred.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static KeyLatched

The client failed to update a key when adding or replacing an object in the cache.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static KeyTooLarge

The specified key name is too large. The key size is calculated after serialization and UTF-8 encoding of the string. It must be less than 65 KB.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static None

There is no specific substatus code.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static NotPrimary

The request did not find the primary server.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static NoWriteQuorum

Unable to satisfy the specified write quorum of cache hosts.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static QuotaExceeded

A resource quota for the Windows Azure Caching namespace has been exceeded.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static ReadThroughKeyContention

This API supports the product infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. Internal.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static RegionTooLarge

The specified region name is too large. The name size is calculated after serialization and UTF-8 encoding of the string. It must be less than 65 KB.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static ReplicationFailed

Replication failed.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static ReplicationQueueFull

The replication queue is full.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static ServiceMemoryShortage

The memory available for the caching service is low.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static TagTooLarge

The specified tag name is too large. The name size is calculated after serialization and UTF-8 encoding of the string. It must be less than 65 KB.

System_CAPS_pubfieldSystem_CAPS_static Throttled

The requested operation failed, because the required cache host is in a throttled state.

See Also

DataCacheErrorSubStatus Class
Microsoft.ApplicationServer.Caching Namespace

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