Microsoft.WindowsAzure.MediaServices.Client Namespace

Provides classes related to creating Windows Azure Media Services applications.


  Class Description
Public class AccessPolicyBaseCollection Represents a collection of IAccessPolicy.
Public class AssetBaseCollection Represents the base of all asset collections.
Public class AssetCollection Represents a collection of IAsset.
Public class AssetFileBaseCollection Provides a base class for all IAssetFile collections.
Public class AzureMediaServicesClassFactory
Public class BaseCollection<T> Represents a base media collection.
Public class BaseEntity<T> Represents a base entity collection.
Public class BlobTransferClient Represents a client to operate on Windows Azure Blobs.
Public class BlobTransferCompleteEventArgs Represents the information for blob transfer completion event.
Public class BlobTransferProgressChangedEventArgs Represents the progress of a blob tranfer, used by TransferProgressChanged event.
Public class CloudBaseCollection<T> Represents a Base Collection that has a DataServiceContext.
Public class CloudMediaContext Describes the context from which all entities in the Microsoft WindowsAzure Media Services platform can be accessed.
Public class CommonEncryption Provides common encryption of content keys.
Public class ConfigurationEncryption Provide encryption for configuration.
Public class ContentKeyBaseCollection Represents a collection of content keys.
Public class ContentKeyCollection Represents a collection of IContentKey.
Public class DataServiceAsyncExtensions Extension methods to DataService classes.
Public class DownloadProgressChangedEventArgs Describes the status of a download operation.
Public class EncryptionUtils Provides helpers for encryption.
Public class EnvelopeEncryption Provides envelope encryption.
Public class ErrorDetail Describes an error encountered during the execution of a task.
Public class FileEncryption Provides file encryption.
Public class FileEncryptionTransform Provides a file encryption transformation.
Public class IngestIngestManifestStatistics Represent statistic information about the ingest manifest.
Public class IngestManifestAssetCollection Represents a collection of IIngestManifestAsset.
Public class IngestManifestCollection Represents IQueryable collection of IIngestManifest.
Public class IngestManifestFileCollection Represents a collection of IIngestManifestFile.
Public class InputAssetCollection<T> Enumerable for task input assets.
Public class JobBaseCollection Represents a collection of IJob.
Public class JobNotificationSubscriptionCollection The notification subscriptions for the job.
Public class JobStateChangedEventArgs Describes the change of state of an IJob that was submitted.
Public class JobTemplateBaseCollection Represents a collection of IJobTemplate.
Public class LocatorBaseCollection Represents a collection of ILocator.
Public class MediaContextBase Represents a base media context containing collections to operate on.
Public class MediaDataServiceContext Wraps DataServiceContext.
Public class MediaDataServiceResponse Represents a media data service response.
Public class MediaProcessorBaseCollection Represents a collection of IMediaProcessor objects.
Public class MediaServicesClassFactory The AzureMediaServicesClassFactory derives from this abstract class.
Public class MediaServicesCredentials This class encapsulates the Media Services credentials.
Public class NotificationEndPointCollection Represents a collection of INotificationEndPoint objects.
Public class OutputAssetCollection A collection of output assets.
Public class StorageAccountBaseCollection Represents storage account base collection.
Public class TaskCollection A collection of tasks.
Public class TaskExtensions Extension methods for a task.
Public class TaskHistoricalEvent Represents a task history event
Public class UploadProgressChangedEventArgs Describes the status of a upload operation.


  Interface Description
Public interface IAccessPolicy Defines an access policy to an IAsset in the system.
Public interface IAsset Represents an asset that can be an input to jobs or tasks.
Public interface IAssetFile Represents an file belonging to an Asset.
Public interface IContentKey Represents a content key that can be used for encryption and decryption.
Public interface IIngestManifest Represents bulk ingest manifest.
Public interface IIngestManifestAsset Represents an ingest manifest asset information describing what files need to be processed for a given asset
Public interface IIngestManifestFile Represents manifest file.
Public interface IIngestManifestStatistics Represent static information about manifest
Public interface IJob Represents a job object that contains a set of tasks. Each task performs an atomic operation on the input asset(s). A job controls the execution of each task and outputs from one task can be used as inputs to the next task. A job is typically used to process one audio/video presentation. If you are processing multiple videos, create a job for each video to be encoded.
Public interface IJobNotificationSubscription Represents a job notification subscription which contains information about the state of the job and the endpoint from which the notification is sent.
Public interface IJobTemplate Represents a JobTemplate that can be used to create Jobs.
Public interface ILocator Represents the application of an access policy to an asset.
Public interface IMediaContextContainer Provides initialization of a CloudMediaContext
Public interface IMediaDataServiceContext The MediaDataServiceContext implements this interface.
Public interface IMediaDataServiceResponse This interface is implemented by MediaDataServiceResponse.
Public interface IMediaProcessor A component of Windows Azure Media Services that processes media.
Public interface INotificationEndPoint The endpoint to which the notifications about the job state are sent.
Public interface IStorageAccount Represents an Azure storage account.
Public interface ITask Describes a task within a job in the system.
Public interface ITaskTemplate Represents a TaskTemplate.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AccessPermissions Specifies the permissions that an IAccessPolicy may grant.
Public enumeration AssetCreationOptions Specifies the the different options that an IAsset can be created with.
Public enumeration AssetState Specifies the allowed states of an asset.
Public enumeration BlobTransferType Specifies the type of the transfer.
Public enumeration ContentKeyType Specifies the type of a content key.
Public enumeration IngestManifestFileState Represents manifest asset file state
Public enumeration IngestManifestState Represents ingest manifest state.
Public enumeration JobState Specifies the possible Job states.
Public enumeration JobTemplateType Describes the types of job templates based on the accessiblity level.
Public enumeration LocatorType Specifies the available types locator.
Public enumeration NotificationEndPointType Enumeration of types of notification endpoint. None = 0, AzureQueue = 1.
Public enumeration NotificationJobState Enumeration of notification job states. None = 0, FinalStatesOnly = 1, All = 2.
Public enumeration ProtectionKeyType Describes the types of protection keys.
Public enumeration TaskOptions Specifies the options for creating Tasks.