NamespaceManager.BeginCreateTopic Method (String, AsyncCallback, Object)


Asynchronous version of CreateTopic method.

Namespace:   Microsoft.ServiceBus
Assembly:  Microsoft.ServiceBus (in Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll)


public IAsyncResult BeginCreateTopic(
    string path,
    AsyncCallback callback,
    object state
IAsyncResult^ BeginCreateTopic(
    String^ path,
    AsyncCallback^ callback,
    Object^ state
member BeginCreateTopic : 
        path:string *
        callback:AsyncCallback *
        state:Object -> IAsyncResult
Public Function BeginCreateTopic (
    path As String,
    callback As AsyncCallback,
    state As Object
) As IAsyncResult


  • path
    Type: System.String

    The path of the topic relative to the service namespace base address.

  • state
    Type: System.Object

    A user-defined object that contains state information about the asynchronous operation. This object is passed to the EndCreateTopic delegate when the operation is complete.

Return Value

Type: System.IAsyncResult

An IAsyncResult object that represents the status of the asynchronous create topic action.


Exception Condition

path is null or empty.

T:System. ArgumentOutOfRangeException

The length of path is greater than F:Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging.Constants.QueueNameMaximumLength.


The operation times out. The timeout period is initialized through the NamespaceManagerSettings class. You may need to increase the value of the OperationTimeout property to avoid this exception if the timeout value is relatively low.


A queue with the same name and path exists under the same service namespace.


The NamespaceManager object does not have sufficient permission to perform this operation. You should check to ensure that your NamespaceManager has the correct P:Microsoft.ServiceBus.NamespaceManagerSettings.Credential credentials to perform this operation.


Either the specified size in the description is not supported or the maximum allowable quota has been reached. You must specify one of the supported size values, delete existing entities, or increase your quota size.


An internal error or unexpected exception occurs.


The server is overloaded with logical operations. You can consider any of the following actions:

  • Wait and retry calling this function.

  • Remove entities before retry (for example, receive messages before sending any more).

See Also

BeginCreateTopic Overload
NamespaceManager Class
Microsoft.ServiceBus Namespace

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