NamespaceManager.BeginCreateSubscription Method (String, String, AsyncCallback, Object)


Asynchronous version of CreateSubscription method.

Namespace:   Microsoft.ServiceBus
Assembly:  Microsoft.ServiceBus (in Microsoft.ServiceBus.dll)


public IAsyncResult BeginCreateSubscription(
    string topicPath,
    string name,
    AsyncCallback callback,
    object state
IAsyncResult^ BeginCreateSubscription(
    String^ topicPath,
    String^ name,
    AsyncCallback^ callback,
    Object^ state
member BeginCreateSubscription : 
        topicPath:string *
        name:string *
        callback:AsyncCallback *
        state:Object -> IAsyncResult
Public Function BeginCreateSubscription (
    topicPath As String,
    name As String,
    callback As AsyncCallback,
    state As Object
) As IAsyncResult


  • topicPath
    Type: System.String

    The topic path relative to the service namespace base address.

  • state
    Type: System.Object

    A user-defined object that contains state information about the asynchronous operation. This object is passed to the EndCreateSubscription delegate when the operation is complete.

Return Value

Type: System.IAsyncResult

An IAsyncResult object that represents the status of the asynchronous create subscription action.

See Also

BeginCreateSubscription Overload
NamespaceManager Class
Microsoft.ServiceBus Namespace

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