

Starting with Media Services 2.7, the Origin entity was renamed to StreamingEndpoint.

The StreamingEndpoint entity represents a streaming service that can deliver content directly to a client player application, or to a Content Delivery Network (CDN) for further distribution. Starting with version 2.9, Microsoft Azure Media Services provides the Azure CDN integration (for more information, see the CdnEnabled property documented below). The outbound stream from a StreamingEndpoint service can be a live stream, or a video on-demand Asset in your Media Services account.

Each Azure Media Services (AMS) account includes a default StreamingEndpoint; additional StreamingEndpoints can be created under the account. Starting with Media Services 2.15 (released on January 10th 2017) there are two StreamingEndpoint versions: 1.0 and 2.0. Also, there are three types of StreamingEndpoints: Classic, **Standard, or Premium.

Media Services accounts created before AMS REST 2.15 update, by default include Classic streaming endpoints, version 1.0. You can upgrade to version 2.0, you cannot downgrade to 1.0. AMS accounts created after the 2.15 update, by default include Standard streaming endpoints, version 2.0. Version 2.0 streaming endpoints have billing and feature changes. For more detailed information, see the StreamingEndpointVersion property documented below.

The automatically provisioned StreamingEndpoint has the name "Default" and it cannot be deleted. The state of the StreamingEndpoint is Stopped. To start streaming, you need to start the streaming endpoint.

If you created the account via Azure classic portal and Azure CDN is available in the region, the account will have the CDN integration by default ("CdnEnabled":true, "CdnProvider":StandardVerizon and "CdnProfile":AzureMediaStreamingPlatformCdnProfile).

In most cases, you should keep CDN enabled. However, if you are anticipating max concurrency lower than 500 viewers then it is recommended to disable CDN since CDN scales best with concurrency.

Classic, Standard, Premium streaming endpoints overview

Advanced features described in this section include dynamic packaging and dynamic encryption.

The table summarizes the behavior:

Type Version ScaleUnits Advanced features CDN Billing
Classic 1.0 0 NA NA Free
Standard Streaming Endpoint (recommended) 2.0 0 Yes Yes Paid
Premium Streaming Endpoint 1.0 >0 Yes Yes Paid
Premium Streaming Endpoint 2.0 >0 Yes Yes Paid

It is recommended to upgrade your Classic streaming endpoints to Standard streaming endpoints to get a better experience and advanced features. Standard streaming also scales outbound bandwidth automatically.

The Standard type is the recommended option for virtually all streaming scenarios and audience sizes. For customers with extremely demanding requirements AMS also offer Premium streaming endpoints, which can be used to scale out capacity for the largest internet audiences. If you expect large audiences and concurrent viewers, please contact us for guidance on whether you need to move to the Premium type. A good guide post is to contact us (amsstreaming at if you expect a concurrent audience size larger than 50,000 viewers.

You move to a Premium type by adjusting scale units. Scale units provide you with dedicated egress capacity that can be purchased in increments of 200 Mbps. When using the Premium type, each enabled unit provides additional bandwidth capacity to the application. For more information, see How to Scale StreamingEndpoint.

For more information, see Streaming endpoints overview.

StreamingEndpoint properties and operations


When accessing entities in Media Services, you must set specific header fields and values in your HTTP requests.
For more information, see Setup for Media Services REST API Development and Connecting to Media Services with the Media Services REST API.

This section gives an overview of the StreamingEndpoint entity and also demonstrates how to execute various operations with the Media Services REST API.

StreamingEndpoint Entity

The StreamingEndpoint entity contains the following properties:

Property Type Description

Read-only. Set by Media Services.
Edm.String The StreamingEndpoint ID, assigned upon creation. The format is: nb:oid:UUID:<GUID>.
Name Edm.String Friendly name for the StreamingEndpoint service.

- Must be unique within your Media Services account.

- Maximum length = 32 characters.

- Cannot contain spaces.

- Hyphens and alphanumeric characters only.

- Cannot begin or end with a hyphen.
Description Edm.String Description of the StreamingEndpoint. The maximum length is 256 characters.

Read-only. Set by Media Services.
Edm.DateTime Created by the Microsoft Azure Media Services Live Streaming Preview service.

Read-only. Set by Media Services.
Edm.Int32 Values for the property include:

- Stopped. The initial state of a StreamingEndpoint after creation.

- Starting. The StreamingEndpoint is transitioning to the running state.

- Running. The StreamingEndpoint is able to stream content to clients.

- Scaling. The streaming units (ScaleUnits) are being increased or decreased.

- Stopping. The StreamingEndpoint is transitioning to the stopped state.

Read-only. Set by Media Services.
Edm.String Default streaming endpoint hostname.

Read-only. Set by Media Services.
Edm.DateTime Last update time for this entity.


Edm.Int32 The number of premium streaming endpoints allocated for the StreamingEndpoint deployment. When the StreamingEndpoint is in the Running state, the streaming units on the StreamingEndpoint can be scaled up by calling the Scale operation.

This property also controls the streaming endpoint type with the combination of streaming endpoint version. If your streaming endpoint version is 1.0 and ScaleUnits=0 the streaming endpoint is of a classic type.

The following StreamingEndpoint’s properties can only be configured if your streaming endpoint is standard or premiumAccessControl, CustomHostNames, CacheControl, CrossSiteAccessPolicies.

This property was added in Media Services 2.9.
Edm.Boolean Indicates whether or not the Azure CDN integration for this StreamingEndpoint is enabled (disabled by default.)

To set the CdnEnabled to true, the StreamingEndpoint must have at least one premium streaming endpoint (ScaleUnits) for version 1.0 StreamingEndpoints and be in the stopped state. You can set this property if StreamingEndpoint version is 2.0 regardless of ScaleUnits value (please refer to Standard streaming endpoint) Use the Operation REST API to check the status. Once it is enabled, the following configurations get disabled: CustomHostNames and AccessControl.

Note: Not all data centers support the Azure CDN integration. To check whether or not your data center has the Azure CDN integration available do the following:

- Try to set the CdnEnabled to true.

- Check the returned result for an HTTP Error Code 412 (PreconditionFailed) with a message of "Streaming endpoint CdnEnabled property cannot be set to true as CDN capability is not available in the current region."

If you get this error, the data center does not support it. You should try another data center.

This property was added in Media Services 2.15.
Edm.String When CDN is enabled ("CdnEnabled":true) you can also pass CdnProvider values. CdnProvider controls which provider will be used. Currently, three values are supported: "StandardVerizon", "PremiumVerizon" and "StandardAkamai". If no value is provided and "CdnEnabled":true, "StandardVerizon" is used (that is the default value.)
Example: "CdnProvider":"StandardAkamai".

Note: StreamingEndpoints, which are "CDNEnabled":true with older AMS versions (<2.15) has a legacy CDN integration and uses "StandardVerizon" CDN provider. It is recommended to migrate your StreamingEndpoints to the newer CDN integration to get a better experience and full feature.

This property was added in Media Services 2.15.
Edm.String When CDN is enabled ("CdnEnabled":true) you can also pass CdnProfile values. "CdnProfile" is the name of the CDN profile where the CDN endpoint point will be created. You can provide an existing CdnProfile or use a new one. If value is NULL and "CdnEnabled":true, the default value "AzureMediaStreamingPlatformCdnProfile" is used. If the provided CdnProfile already exists, an endpoint is created under it. If the profile does not exists, a new profile automatically gets created.
Example: "CdnProfile":"AzureMediaStreamingPlatformCdnProfile".

This property was added in Media Services 2.15.
Edm.DateTime When a new media services account gets created, a default standard streaming endpoint also automatically gets provisioned under the account, in stopped state. This endpoint includes a 15 day free trial period and trial period starts when the endpoint gets started for the first time. Free trial doesn’t apply to existing accounts and end date doesn’t change with state transitions such as stop/start. Free trial starts the first time you start the streaming endpoint and ends after 15 calendar days. The free trial only applies to the default streaming endpoint and doesn't apply to additional streaming endpoints.

When the endpoint is just created, and is in stopped state, the value of "FreeTrialEndTime" is set to "0001-01-01T00:00:00Z". When it is started, 15 days are added to the start date and the value starts representing the free trial end date "FreeTrialEndTime":"2016-12-16T18:01:47.8524725Z".
Values for streaming endpoints which are not eligible for free trial will be always "FreeTrialEndTime":"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z" regardless of the state.

This property was added in Media Services 2.15.
Edm.String Combination of StreamingEndpointVersion and ScaleUnits controls the streaming endpoint type. Any streaming endpoint created before the 2.15 (January 10th 2017) update will have "StreamingEndpointVersion":"1.0" and streaming endpoints created after the update will have "StreamingEndpointVersion":"2.0".
Streaming Endpoints, which are version 1.0 will not be automatically upgraded to version 2.0, but can be explicitly upgraded to "StreamingEndpointVersion":"2.0".
Streaming endpoints with "ScaleUnits":0 and "StreamingEndpointVersion":"1.0" will be considered classic streaming endpoints, which don't have the advanced features such as dynamic packaging or dynamic encryption.
Streaming endpoints with "ScaleUnits" > 0 (whether the "StreamingEndpointVersion" is set to version "1.0" or version "2.0") are premium units.
Standard streaming endpoints with "ScaleUnits":0 and "StreamingEndpointVersion":"2.0" will include the same features as premium units (which includes dynamic packaging and dynamic encryption.)
You can upgrade a classic streaming endpoint to standard by setting version to "StreamingEndpointVersion":"2.0".
This is a one-way operation; you cannot downgrade version 2.0 to 1.0. Beware that this operation cannot be rolled back and has a pricing impact. It can take up to 30 minutes for this new configuration to propagate. During this timeframe, the endpoint will work in degraded mode and you might encounter failures for dynamic packaging and dynamic encryption requests.


Collection(Edm.String) Used to configure a streaming endpoint to accept traffic directed to a custom host name. This allows for easier traffic management configuration through a Global Traffic Manager (GTM) and also for branded domain names to be used as the streaming endpoint name.

The ownership of the domain name must be confirmed by Azure Media Services. Azure Media Services verifies the domain name ownership by requiring a CName record containing the Azure Media Services account ID as a component to be added to the domain in use. As an example, for “” to be used as a custom host name for the Streaming Endpoint, a record for “<accountId>” must be configured to point to one of Media Services verification host names. The verification host name is composed of verifydns.<mediaservices-dns-zone>. The following table contains the expected DNS zones to be used in the verify record for different Azure regions.

North America, Europe, Singapore, Hong Kong, Japan:






For example, a CName record that maps "" to "" proves that the Azure Media Services ID 945a4c4e-28ea-45cd-8ccb-a519f6b700ad has the ownership of the domain, thus enabling any name under to be used as a custom host name for a streaming endpoint under that account.

To find the Media Service ID value, go to the Azure portal and select your Media Service account. The MEDIA SERVICE ID appears on the right of the DASHBOARD page.

Warning: If there is an attempt to set a custom host name without a proper verification of the CName record, the DNS response will fail and then be cached for some time. Once a proper record is in place, it might take a while until the cached response is revalidated. Depending on the DNS provider for the custom domain, it could take anywhere from a few minutes to an hour to revalidate the record.

In addition to the CName that maps <accountId>.<parent domain> to verifydns.<mediaservices-dns-zone>, you must create another CName that maps the custom host name (for example, to your Media Services StreamingEndpont’s host name (for example,

Note: Streaming endpoints located in the same data center, cannot share the same custom host name.
This property is valid for Standard and premium streaming endpoints and can be set when "CdnEnabled":false

Note that, currently, AMS doesn’t support SSL with custom domains.
AccessControl StreamingEndpointAccessControl ComplexType Used to configure the following security settings for this streaming endpoint: Akamai signature header authentication keys and IP addresses that are allowed to connect to this endpoint.
Note: This property is valid for Standard and premium streaming endpoints and can be set when "CdnEnabled":false
CacheControl StreamingEndpointCacheControl Used to configure asset cache lifetime for assets served through this streaming endpoint.
CrossSiteAccessPolicies CrossSiteAccessPolicies Used to specify cross site access policies for various clients. For more information, see Cross-domain policy file specification and Making a Service Available Across Domain Boundaries.


Name Type Description

Edm.Int64 Overrides the default max-age HTTP cache control header set by the streaming endpoint on media fragments and on-demand manifests. The value is set in seconds.

StreamingEndpointAccessControl ComplexType

Name Type Description
Akamai AkamaiAccessControl Akamai access control.
IP IPAccessControl IP access control.


Name Type Description
AkamaiSignatureHeaderAuthenticationKeyList AkamaiSignatureHeaderAuthenticationKey ComplexType Contains information about Akamai Signature Header Authentication keys.


Name Type Description
Allow IPRange ComplexType Defines the IP addresses that can connect to a streaming endpoint.

Note: Setting this value to null allows all IP source addresses to connect. Setting it to an empty string (“”) allows no one to connect.

AkamaiSignatureHeaderAuthenticationKey ComplexType

This type describes Akamai G20 authentication settings. Akamai Authentication is a keyed-hash message authentication scheme. The authentication key is a secret shared by the Akamai CDN and the Azure Media Origin Streaming Service. Azure Media Services only supports version 3, which uses HMAC-MD5.

Name Type Description
Identifier Edm.String The identifier for the authentication key. This is the nonce provided by Akamai.
Expiration Edm.DateTime DateTime value that specifies when the Akamai authentication expires
Base64Key Edm.String Base64-encoded authentication key that will be used by the CDN. The authentication key provided by Akamai is an ASCII encoded string, and must be converted to bytes and then base64 encoded.

The following C# example shows how to convert Akamai authentication key to base64:

string akamaiKey = "01234567890123456789012345678901";  
string base64Key = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(akamaiKey);  

IPRange ComplexType

Name Type Description
Name Edm.String A friendly name for this IP Range.
Address Edm.String The base IP address for the subnet representation (for example:
SubnetPrefixLength Edm.Int32 The number of significant bits for the subnet mask (for example, in the following IP address, 24 represents the number of significant bits).

Create StreamingEndpoint

Create a new StreamingEndpoint service.


Method Request URI HTTP Version
POST https://<accountname>.restv2.<location> HTTP/1.1

Sample Request

You can try out the following example in the Fiddler’s Composer tab.

To get the latest x-ms-version:, see Media Services REST.

Request headers:

Content-Type: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata  
Accept: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata  
DataServiceVersion: 3.0;NetFx  
MaxDataServiceVersion: 3.0;NetFx  
x-ms-version: 2.19
Authorization: Bearer <token value>  

Request body:

               "Identifier":"My key",  
               "Name":"Allow all",  
      "ClientAccessPolicy":"<access-policy><cross-domain-access><policy><allow-from http-request-headers='*'><domain uri='http://*' /></allow-from><grant-to><resource path='/' include-subpaths='false' /></grant-to></policy></cross-domain-access></access-policy>",  
      "CrossDomainPolicy":"<?xml version='1.0'?><!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM ''><cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from domain='*' /></cross-domain-policy>"  

If successful, a 202 Accepted status code is returned along with a representation of the created entity in the response body.

HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted  
Cache-Control: no-cache  
Content-Length: 1185  
Content-Type: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata;streaming=true;charset=utf-8  
Server: Microsoft-IIS/8.5  
request-id: 917c74d3-ebc7-48b6-8484-a103054a9e34  
x-ms-request-id: 917c74d3-ebc7-48b6-8484-a103054a9e34  
operation-id: nb:opid:UUID:ec2e517c-9b33-4af5-baca-e6136acfb40f  
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff  
DataServiceVersion: 3.0;  
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET  
Date: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 00:31:28 GMT  
               "Identifier":"My key",  
               "Name":"Allow all",  
      "ClientAccessPolicy":"<access-policy><cross-domain-access><policy><allow-from http-request-headers='*'><domain uri='http://*' /></allow-from><grant-to><resource path='/' include-subpaths='false' /></grant-to></policy></cross-domain-access></access-policy>",  
      "CrossDomainPolicy":"<?xml version='1.0'?><!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM ''><cross-domain-policy><allow-access-from domain='*' /></cross-domain-policy>"  

The 202 Accepted status code indicates an asynchronous operation, in which case the operation-id header value is also provided for use in polling and tracking the status of long-running operations, such as starting or stopping a StreamingEndpoint. Pass the operation-id header value into the Operation Entity to retrieve the status. For more information, see Manually Polling Long-Running Operations.

Start StreamingEndpoint

Start the specified StreamingEndpoint. A StreamingEndpoint can only be started when it is in the Stopped state. Some time after starting the StreamingEdpoint, the state changes to Running.
To stop streaming at a later point in time, call the Stop operation.

Available actions when in the Running state.

State Streaming Units Description Available Actions
Running 0 Streaming from Standard Streaming Endpoint. Stop, Scale
Running >0 Streaming from Premium Streaming Endpoint. Stop, Scale


Method Request URI HTTP Version
POST https://<accountname>.restv2.<location>‘StreamingEndpointId')/Start HTTP/1.1

Sample Request

You can try out the following example in the Fiddler’s Composer tab.

Request headers:

POST'nb%3Aoid%3AUUID%3A32ad7fa6-f780-4345-bbc6-45a79a914427')/Start HTTP/1.1  
Content-Type: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata  
Accept: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata  
DataServiceVersion: 3.0;NetFx  
MaxDataServiceVersion: 3.0;NetFx  
x-ms-version: 2.19
Authorization: Bearer <token value>  

If successful, a 202 Accepted status code is returned. The 202 Accepted status code indicates an asynchronous operation, in which case the operation-id header value is also provided for use in polling and tracking the status of long-running operations, such as starting or stopping a StreamingEndpoint. Pass the operation-id header value into the Operation Entity to retrieve the status. For more information, see Manually Polling Long-Running Operations.

Stop StreamingEndpoints

Stop the specified StreamingEndpoint. A StreamingEndpoint can be stopped only when it is in the Running state.

Available actions when in the Stopped state.

State Streaming Units Description Available Actions
Stopped 0 Not streaming. Start, Scale
Stopped >0 Not streaming. Start, Scale


Method Request URI HTTP Version
POST https://<accountname>.restv2.<location>‘StreamingEndpointId')/Stop HTTP/1.1

Sample Request

You can try out the following example in the Fiddler’s Composer tab.

To get the latest x-ms-version:, see Media Services REST.

Request headers:

POST'nb%3Aoid%3AUUID%3A32ad7fa6-f780-4345-bbc6-45a79a914427')/Start HTTP/1.1  
Content-Type: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata  
Accept: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata  
DataServiceVersion: 3.0;NetFx  
MaxDataServiceVersion: 3.0;NetFx  
x-ms-version: 2.19
Authorization: Bearer <token value>  

If successful, a 202 Accepted status code is returned. The 202 Accepted status code indicates an asynchronous operation, in which case the operation-id header value is also provided for use in polling and tracking the status of long-running operations, such as starting or stopping a StreamingEndpoint. Pass the operation-id header value into the Operation Entity to retrieve the status. For more information, see Manually Polling Long-Running Operations.

Scale StreamingEndpoints

Dynamically updates the streaming unit capacity while in the running state and changes type from Standard Streaming Endpoint to Premium Streaming Endpoint if updated from "ScaleUnits":0.


Method Request URI HTTP Version
POST https://<accountname>.restv2.<location>‘StreamingEndpointId')/Scale HTTP/1.1

Sample Request

You can try out the following example in the Fiddler’s Composer tab.

To get the latest x-ms-version:, see Media Services REST.

Request headers:

POST'nb%3Aoid%3AUUID%3A32ad7fa6-f780-4345-bbc6-45a79a914427')/Scale HTTP/1.1  
Content-Type: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata  
Accept: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata  
DataServiceVersion: 3.0;NetFx  
MaxDataServiceVersion: 3.0;NetFx  
x-ms-version: 2.19
Authorization: Bearer <token value>  

Request body:

{"scaleUnits" : 2}  

If successful, a 202 Accepted status code is returned. The 202 Accepted status code indicates an asynchronous operation, in which case the operation-id header value is also provided for use in polling and tracking the status of long-running operations, such as starting or stopping a StreamingEndpoint. Pass the operation-id header value into the Operation Entity to retrieve the status. For more information, see Manually Polling Long-Running Operations.

List StreamingEndpoints

StreamingEndpoints are retrieved using a GET HTTP request.


Method Request URI HTTP Version
GET Get all StreamingEndpoints:


Get the specified StreamingEndpoint.


Sample Request

You can try out the following example in the Fiddler’s Composer tab.

To get the latest x-ms-version:, see Media Services REST.

Request headers:

GET HTTP/1.1  
Content-Type: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata  
Accept: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata  
DataServiceVersion: 3.0;NetFx  
MaxDataServiceVersion: 3.0;NetFx  
x-ms-version: 2.19
Authorization: Bearer <token value>  

If successful, this operation returns a 200 OK status code and a list of all of the StreamingEndpoints created in your Media Services account.

Update StreamingEndpoints

Update a StreamingEndpoint with new property values. This is an asynchronous operation if the StreamingEndpoint is running and the settings are changed.


Method Request URI HTTP Version

For more information about these operations, see PATCH/PUT/MERGE.
https://<accountname>.restv2.<location>‘StreamingEndpointId’) HTTP/1.1

Sample Request

You can try out the following example in the Fiddler’s Composer tab. The example updates the MaxAge value.

To get the latest x-ms-version:, see Media Services REST.

Request headers:

PATCH'nb%3Aoid%3AUUID%3A32ad7fa6-f780-4345-bbc6-45a79a914427') HTTP/1.1  
Content-Type: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata  
Accept: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata  
DataServiceVersion: 3.0;NetFx  
MaxDataServiceVersion: 3.0;NetFx  
x-ms-version: 2.19
Authorization: Bearer <token value>  

Request body:


If the update completes synchronously, it returns a 204 No Content status code; otherwise it returns a 202 Accepted status code. The 202 Accepted status code indicates an asynchronous operation, in which case the operation-id header value is also provided for use in polling and tracking the status of long-running operations, such as starting or stopping a StreamingEndpoint. Pass the operation-id header value into the Operation Entity to retrieve the status. For more information, see Manually Polling Long-Running Operations.

Delete StreamingEndpoints

Delete a StreamingEndpoint. A StreamingEndpoint can be deleted only when it is in the Stopped state.


Method Request URI HTTP Version
DELETE https://<accountname>.restv2.<location>‘StreamingEndpointId’) HTTP/1.1

Sample Request

You can try out the following example in the Fiddler’s Composer tab.

To get the latest x-ms-version:, see Media Services REST.

Request headers:

DELETE'nb%3Aoid%3AUUID%3A32ad7fa6-f780-4345-bbc6-45a79a914427') HTTP/1.1  
Content-Type: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata  
Accept: application/json;odata=minimalmetadata  
DataServiceVersion: 3.0;NetFx  
MaxDataServiceVersion: 3.0;NetFx  
x-ms-version: 2.19
Authorization: Bearer <token value>  

If successful, a 202 Accepted status code is returned. The 202 Accepted status code indicates an asynchronous operation, in which case the operation-id header value is also provided for use in polling and tracking the status of long-running operations, such as starting or stopping a StreamingEndpoint. Pass the operation-id header value into the Operation Entity to retrieve the status. For more information, see Manually Polling Long-Running Operations.

See Also
