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azure::storage Namespace

namespace storage;



Name Description


Represents the user meta-data for queues, containers and blobs.


Represents a segment of azure::storage::cloud_blob_container results, and includes continuation and pagination information.


Name Description

access_condition Class

Represents a set of access conditions to be used for operations against the Blob service.

blob_container_permissions Class

Represents the permissions for a container.

blob_request_options Class

Represents a set of timeout and retry policy options that may be specified on a request against the Blob service.

blob_result_segment Class

Represents a segment of azure::storage::cloud_blob and azure::storage::cloud_blob_directory results, and includes continuation information.

blob_shared_access_policy Class

Represents a shared access policy, which specifies the start time, expiry time, and permissions for a shared access signature for a blob or container.

block_list_item Class

Represents a block in a block list.

cloud_blob Class

A class for Windows Azure blob types. The azure::storage::cloud_block_blob and azure::storage::cloud_page_blob classes derive from the azure::storage::cloud_blob class.

cloud_blob_client Class

Provides a client-side logical representation of the Windows Azure Blob Service. This client is used to configure and execute requests against the Blob Service.

cloud_blob_container Class

Represents a container in the Windows Azure Blob service.

cloud_blob_container_properties Class

Represents the system properties for a container.

cloud_blob_directory Class

Represents a virtual directory of blobs, designated by a delimiter character.

cloud_blob_properties Class

Represents the system properties for a blob.

cloud_blob_shared_access_headers Class

Represents the optional headers that can be returned with a blob accessed via a shared access signature.

cloud_block_blob Class

Represents a blob that is uploaded as a set of blocks.

cloud_client Class

Provides a client-side logical representation of a Windows Azure service. This client is used to configure and execute requests against the service.

cloud_page_blob Class

Represents a Windows Azure page blob.

cloud_permissions Class

Represents the set of shared access policies for a Windows Azure Storage resource.

cloud_queue Class

Represents a queue in the Windows Azure Queue service.

cloud_queue_client Class

Provides a client-side logical representation of the Windows Azure Queue service. This client is used to configure and execute requests against the Queue service.

cloud_queue_message Class

Represents a message in a Windows Azure queue.

cloud_storage_account Class

Represents a Windows Azure storage account.

cloud_table Class

Represents a table object in the Table service.

cloud_table_client Class

Provides a client-side logical representation of the Windows Azure Table service. This client is used to configure and execute requests against the Table service.

continuation_token Class

Represents a continuation token for listing operations.

copy_state Class

Represents the attributes of a copy blob operation.

entity_property Class

Class for storing information about a single property in an entity in a table.

exponential_retry_policy Class

Represents an exponential retry policy.

lease_break_period Class

Specifies the proposed duration of seconds that the lease should continue before it is broken.

lease_time Class

Specifies the duration of the lease.

linear_retry_policy Class

Represents a linear retry policy.

no_retry_policy Class

Represents a retry policy that performs no retries.

operation_context Class

Represents the context for a request to the Windows Azure storage services, and provides additional runtime information about its execution.

page_range Class

Represents a range of pages in a page blob.

query_comparison_operator Class

Defines the set of comparison operators that may be used for constructing queries.

query_logical_operator Class

Defines the set of Boolean operators for constructing queries.

queue_permissions Class

Represents a set of permissions for a queue.

queue_request_options Class

Represents a set of options that may be specified for a request against the Queue service, including timeout and retry policy options.

queue_result_segment Class

Represents a segment of azure::storage::cloud_queue results and provides a continuation token for retrieving additional results.

queue_shared_access_policy Class

Represents a shared access policy, which specifies the start time, expiry time, and permissions for a shared access signature for the Queue service.

request_options Class

Represents a set of timeout and retry policy options that may be specified for an operation request.

request_result Class

Represents a result returned by a request.

result_segment Class

Represents a result segment retrieved from the total set of possible results.

retry_context Class

Represents the context for one or more retries of a request made against the Windows Azure storage services, including the number of retries made for the request, the results of the last request, and the storage location and location mode for subsequent retries.

retry_info Class

Specifies parameters for the next retry of a request to be made against the Windows Azure storage services, including the target location and location mode for the next retry and the interval until the next retry.

retry_policy Class

Represents a retry policy.

sequence_number Class

Describes actions that can be performed on a page blob sequence number.

service_properties Class

Class representing a set of properties pertaining to the Blob, Queue, or Table service.

service_properties_includes Class

Specifies which items to include when setting service properties.

service_stats Class

Represents a set of stats pertaining to the Blob, Queue, or Table service.

shared_access_policies Class


shared_access_policy Class

Represents a shared access policy, which specifies the start time, expiry time, and permissions for a shared access signature.

storage_credentials Class

Represents a set of credentials used to authenticate access to a Windows Azure storage account.

storage_exception Class

Represents a Windows Azure Storage exception.

storage_extended_error Class

Provides extended error information for a storage services error.

storage_uri Class

Contains the URIs for both the primary and secondary locations of a Windows Azure Storage resource.

table_batch_operation Class

Represents a batch operation on a table.

table_entity Class

Represents an entity in a table.

table_operation Class

Represents a single table operation.

table_permissions Class

Represents the permissions for a table.

table_query Class

Represents a query against a table.

table_query_segment Class

Represents a segment of azure::storage::table_entity results. May include a continuation token for retrieving the next page of results.

table_request_options Class

Represents a set of options that may be specified for a request against the Table service.

table_result Class

Represents the result of a table operation.

table_result_segment Class

Represents a segment of azure::storage::cloud_table results. May include a continuation token for retrieving the next page of results.

table_shared_access_policy Class

Represents a shared access policy, which specifies the start time, expiry time, and permissions for a shared access signature on a table.


Name Description

blob_listing_details Structure

Specifies which items to include when listing a set of blobs.

container_listing_details Structure

Specifies which details to include when listing the containers in this storage account.


Name Description

client_log_level Enumeration

Specifies what types of messages to write to the log.


Header: auth.h, blob.h, common.h, core.h, error_code_strings.h, queue.h, retry_policies.h, service_client.h, storage_account.h, table.h

Namespace: azure

See Also


azure Namespace (C++ Client Library for Storage)