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ISearchCatalogManager::GetCatalogStatus Method

Gets the status of the catalog.


HRESULT GetCatalogStatus(      
    CatalogStatus *pStatus,
    CatalogPausedReason *pPausedReason


  • pStatus
    [out] Receives a pointer to a value from the CatalogStatus enumeration. If pStatus is CATALOG_STATUS_PAUSED, further information can be obtained from the pPausedReason parameter.
  • pPausedReason
    [out] Receives a pointer to a value from the CatalogPausedReason enumeration describing why the catalog is paused. If the catalog status is not CATALOG_STATUS_PAUSED, this parameter receives the value CATALOG_PAUSED_REASON_NONE.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.