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ISearchQueryHelper::put_QueryContentProperties Method

Sets the properties to include in the query if search terms do not explicitly specify properties.


HRESULT put_QueryContentProperties(      
    LPCWSTR pszContentProperties


  • pszContentProperties
    [in, unique] Pointer to a comma-delimited, null-terminated Unicode string of one or more properties. Separate column specifiers with commas: "Content,DocAuthor".

    Set ppszContentProperties to NULL to use all properties.

Return Value

Returns S_OK if successful, or an error value otherwise.


Search terms may or may not be explicitly prefixed by a property ("author:Irina" or just "Irina"). If SEARCH_ADVANCED_QUERY_SYNTAX or NO_QUERY_SYNTAX is set in ISearchQueryHelper::put_QuerySyntax, all search terms not prefixed by a property keyword are matched against the list of properties in ppszContentProperties.

The DSearch code sample, available on Code Gallery and the Windows 7 SDK, demonstrates how to create a class for a static console application to query Windows Search using the Microsoft.Search.Interop assembly for ISearchQueryHelper.

See Also

ISearchQueryHelper::get_QueryContentProperties, System Properties