View2 methods

Include protected members
Include inherited members

The View2 type exposes the following members.


  Name Description
Public method DisableAutoUpdate() Disables automatic synchronization between a form's underlying XML document and the associated view. (Inherited from View.)
Public method DisableAutoUpdate() Disables automatic synchronization between a form's underlying XML document and the associated view.
Public method EnableAutoUpdate() Enables automatic synchronization between a form's underlying XML document and the associated view. (Inherited from View.)
Public method EnableAutoUpdate() Enables automatic synchronization between a form's underlying XML document and the associated view.
Public method ExecuteAction(String, Object) Executes a Microsoft InfoPath editing command against a form's underlying XML document, based on the data selected in the view. (Inherited from View.)
Public method ExecuteAction(String, Object) Executes a Microsoft InfoPath editing command against a form's underlying XML document, based on the data selected in the view.
Public method Export(String, String) Exports the view to a file of the specified format. (Inherited from View.)
Public method Export(String, String) Exports the view to a file of the specified format.
Public method ExportAsFixedFormat Exports the view to a file of the specified format, and supports initializing a COM add-in for exporting to a fixed-format file.
Public method ForceUpdate() Forces synchronization between a form's underlying XML document and the associated view. (Inherited from View.)
Public method ForceUpdate() Forces synchronization between a form's underlying XML document and the associated view.
Public method GetContextNodes(Object, Object) Gets a reference to an XMLNodesCollection collection that is populated with XML Document Object Model (DOM) nodes based on the current context. (Inherited from View.)
Public method GetContextNodes(Object, Object) Gets a reference to an XMLNodesCollection collection that is populated with XML Document Object Model (DOM) nodes based on the current context.
Public method GetSelectedNodes() Gets a reference to an XMLNodesCollection collection that is populated with XML Document Object Model (DOM) nodes based on the current selection of items in a view. (Inherited from View.)
Public method GetSelectedNodes() Gets a reference to an XMLNodesCollection collection that is populated with XML Document Object Model (DOM) nodes based on the current selection of items in a view.
Public method SelectNodes(IXMLDOMNode, Object, Object) Selects a range of nodes in a view based on the specified starting XML Document Object Model (DOM) node, the ending XML DOM node, and the view context. (Inherited from View.)
Public method SelectNodes(IXMLDOMNode, Object, Object) Selects a range of nodes in a view based on the specified starting XML Document Object Model (DOM) node, the ending XML DOM node, and the view context.
Public method SelectText(IXMLDOMNode, Object) Selects the text contained in an editable field that is bound to the specified XML Document Object Model (DOM) node. (Inherited from View.)
Public method SelectText(IXMLDOMNode, Object) Selects the text contained in an editable field that is bound to the specified XML Document Object Model (DOM) node.
Public method SwitchView(String) Changes the active view of a Microsoft InfoPath form to a specified view. (Inherited from View.)
Public method SwitchView(String) Changes the active view of a Microsoft InfoPath form to a specified view.


See also


View2 interface

Microsoft.Office.Interop.InfoPath.SemiTrust namespace