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CommandIds Enumeration

The CommandIds enumeration is used to send commands to the InfoPathEditor object.

Namespace: Microsoft.Office.Interop.InfoPath
Assembly: Microsoft.Office.Interop.InfoPath (in




  Member name Description
AddWordToDictionary Adds a word to the dictionary 
AlignTextCenter Aligns selected text in the center 
AlignTextJustify Justifies selected text 
AlignTextLeft Aligns selected text on the left 
AlignTextRight Aligns selected text on the right 
ClearAutoSpace Removes all auto spacing of selected text 
ClearBulletedList Removes bullets from selected items that have been bulleted 
ClearFontFormatting Clears all font formatting of selected text 
ClearNumberedList Removes numbers from selected items that have been numbered 
Close Closes the application 
Copy Copies selected items 
CorrectAllOfMisspelledWord Corrects all misspelled words 
CorrectMisspelledWord Corrects selected misspelled words 
Cut Cuts selected items 
DecreaseFontSizeBy2 Decreases selected text font size by two points 
DecreaseIndent Decreases indents of selected lines 
DeleteMisspelledWord Deletes selected misspelled words 
DeleteSelectedColumns Deletes selected columns 
DeleteSelectedRows Deletes selected row 
DeleteSelectedTable Deletes selected tables 
DrawTable Draws a table 
EraseTable Erases a table and retains table contents 
FindNextMisspelledWord Finds the next misspelled word 
FindReplaceFindNext Finds the next matching text. 
FormatPainterApplyFormatting Applies formatting from the Format Painter 
FormatPainterApplyFormattingPersistent Applies formatting from the Format Painter in double-click mode (multiple-selection) 
FormatPainterCopyFormatting Copies formatting of selected items to the Format Painter 
FormatPainterCopyFormattingPersistent Copies formatting of selected items to the Format Painter in double-click mode (multiple-selection) 
GetCurrentMisspelledWord Gets the current misspelled word 
GetDefaultFontColor Gets the default font color 
GetDefaultHighlightColor Gets the default highlight color 
GetFindReplaceOptionSearchDirection Gets the direction in which a find or replace operation will search 
GetFindReplaceState Gets the state of the find or replace operation 
GetFindString Gets the string that will be used in a find operation 
GetFontAvailableByIndex Gets the available fonts by index 
GetFontsAvailableCount Gets the count of available fonts 
GetFontSizeAvailableByIndex Gets the available font sizes by index 
GetFontSizesAvailableCount Gets a count of the available font sizes 
GetHyperlinkAddress Gets the address of a hyperlink 
GetHyperlinkDisplayText Gets the display text of a hyperlink 
GetPictureAlternativeText Gets the alternative text (alt text) of a picture 
GetPictureHeight Gets the height of a picture 
GetPictureTextWrapping Gets the text wrapping value of a picture 
GetPictureWidth Gets the width of a picture 
GetReplaceWithString Gets the string that will be used in a replace operation 
GetSelectedCellBottomPadding Gets the bottom cell padding of the selected cell 
GetSelectedCellLeftPadding Gets the left cell padding of the selected cell 
GetSelectedCellRightPadding Gets the right cell padding of the selected cell 
GetSelectedCellTopPadding Gets the top cell padding of the selected cell 
GetSelectedCellVerticalAlignment Gets the vertical cell alignment of the selected cell 
GetSelectedColumnWidth Gets the column width of the selected cell 
GetSelectedRowHeight Gets the row height of the selected row 
GetSelectedTextBackgroundColor Gets the background color of the selected text 
GetSelectedTextFont Gets the font of the selected text 
GetSelectedTextFontColor Gets the font color of the selected text 
GetSelectedTextFontSize Gets the font size of the selected text 
GetSelectedTextHighlightColor Gets the highlight color of the selected text 
GetSpellingSuggestion Gets the spelling suggestion of the selected text 
GetSpellingSuggestionsCount Gets a count of the spelling suggestions of the selected text 
GetSubmitButtonCaption Gets the caption of the submit button 
GetTableDirection Gets the direction of a table 
GetTableHorizontalAlignment Gets the horizontal alignment of a table 
GotoFirstErrorOnView Repositions the focus to the first error in the current view 
GotoNextErrorOnView Repositions the focus to the next error in the current view 
IgnoreAllOfMisspelledWord Ignores all misspelled words 
IgnoreMisspelledWord Ignores the current misspelled word 
IncreaseFontSizeBy2 Increases the font size by two points 
IncreaseIndent Increases the indentation of selected lines 
InsertBulletedList Inserts a bulleted list on selected text using the default bullet 
InsertBulletedListEmptyCircle Inserts a bulleted list on selected text using the empty circle bullet 
InsertBulletedListSolidCircle Inserts a bulleted list on selected text using the solid circle bullet 
InsertBulletedListSolidSquare Inserts a bulleted list on selected text using the solid square bullet 
InsertColumnLeft Inserts a column to the left of the selected column 
InsertColumnRight Inserts a column to the right of the selected column 
InsertHorizontalLine Inserts a horizontal line 
InsertHyperlink Inserts a hyperlink 
InsertImage Inserts an image 
InsertNumberedList Inserts a numbered list on selected text using the default numbering 
InsertNumberedListAlphaLowercase Inserts a numbered list on selected text using the lowercase letters 
InsertNumberedListAlphaUppercase Inserts a numbered list on selected text using the uppercase letters 
InsertNumberedListDecimal Inserts a numbered list on selected text using decimals 
InsertNumberedListRomanLowercase Inserts a numbered list on selected text using the lowercase Roman numerals 
InsertNumberedListRomanUppercase Inserts a numbered list on selected text using the uppercase Roman numeral 
InsertPictureFromFile Inserts a picture from a file 
InsertRowAbove Inserts a row above the selected row 
InsertRowBelow Inserts a row below the selected row 
InsertTable Inserts a table 
IsFormDirectionLeftToRight Gets whether selected text is formatted left to right 
IsFormDirectionRightToLeft Gets whether selected text is formatted right to left 
MergeCells Merges selected cells 
Paste Pastes items from the clipboard 
Redo Performs a redo operation 
RemoveHyperlink Removes a hyperlink 
Replace Performs a replace operation 
ReplaceAll Performs a replace all operation 
Save Performs a save operation 
SaveAs Performas a save as operation 
SelectAll Selects all items in the view 
SelectCell Selects the current cell 
SelectColumns Selects the current column 
SelectHyperlink Selects the current hyperlink 
SelectNextColumn Selects the next column 
SelectNextRow Selects the next row 
SelectPreviousColumn Selects the previous column 
SelectPreviousRow Selects the previous row 
SelectRows Selects all rows 
SelectTable Selects the table 
Set15LineSpacing Sets paragraph spacing to 1.5 lines 
SetAutoSpaceBetweenAsianAndLatinText Sets the automatic spacing between Asian and Latin text 
SetAutoSpaceBetweenAsianTextAndNumbers Sets the automatic spacing between Asian and Latin numbers 
SetDoubleLineSpacing Sets line spacing to double 
SetFindReplaceOptionMatchCase Sets the option to match case on find or replace operations 
SetFindReplaceOptionSearchDirection Sets the search direction on find or replace operations 
SetFindReplaceOptionUseWildcards Sets the option to use wildcards on find or replace operations 
SetFindReplaceOptionWholeWordOnly Sets the option to match entire words only on find or replace operations 
SetFindString Sets the string to use in a find operation 
SetFontFormattingBold Sets the font formatting of the selected text to bold 
SetFontFormattingHeading1 Sets the font formatting of the selected text to Heading 1 
SetFontFormattingHeading2 Sets the font formatting of the selected text to Heading 2 
SetFontFormattingHeading3 Sets the font formatting of the selected text to Heading 3 
SetFontFormattingHeading4 Sets the font formatting of the selected text to Heading 4 
SetFontFormattingHeading5 Sets the font formatting of the selected text to Heading 5 
SetFontFormattingHeading6 Sets the font formatting of the selected text to Heading 6 
SetFontFormattingItalic Sets the font formatting of the selected text to italic 
SetFontFormattingNormal Sets the font formatting of the selected text to normal 
SetFontFormattingStrikethrough Sets the font formatting of the selected text to strikethrough 
SetFontFormattingSubscript Sets the font formatting of the selected text to subscript 
SetFontFormattingSuperscript Sets the font formatting of the selected text to superscript 
SetFontFormattingUnderline Sets the font formatting of the selected text to underline 
SetPictureAlternativeText Sets the alternative text (alt text) of a picture 
SetPictureHeight Sets the height of a picture 
SetPictureInlineWithText Sets the text wrapping of a picture to be inline with surrounding text 
SetPictureToLeftOfText Sets the text wrapping of a picture to be left of surrounding text 
SetPictureToRightOfText Sets the text wrapping of a picture to be right of surrounding text 
SetPictureWidth Sets the width of a picture 
SetReplaceWithString Sets the string used in a replace operation 
SetSelectedCellAlignmentBottom Sets the selected cell(s) to bottom alignment 
SetSelectedCellAlignmentMiddle Sets the selected cell(s) to middle alignment 
SetSelectedCellAlignmentTop Sets the selected cell(s) to top alignment 
SetSelectedCellPadding Sets the padding of selected cell(s) 
SetSelectedColumnWidth Sets the width of selected column(s) 
SetSelectedRowHeight Sets the height of selected row(s) 
SetSelectedTextBackgroundColor Sets the background color of selected text 
SetSelectedTextFont Sets the font of selected text 
SetSelectedTextFontColor Sets the font color of selected text 
SetSelectedTextFontSize Sets the font size of selected text 
SetSelectedTextHighlightColor Sets the highlight color of selected text 
SetSingleLineSpacing Sets line spacing to single 
SetSpellingOptionCheckAsYouType Sets the option to check spelling automatically 
SetTableDirection Sets the table direction 
SetTableHorizontalAlignment Sets the table horizontal alignment 
SetTextDirectionDefault Sets the text direction to the default text direction 
SetTextDirectionLeftToRight Sets the text direction to left to right 
SetTextDirectionRightToLeft Sets the text direction to right to left 
ShowBordersShadingDialog Displays the Borders and Shading dialog box 
ShowCurrentErrorMessage Displays the current error message 
ShowDigitalSignaturesDialog Displays the Digital Signatures dialog box 
ShowEditHyperlinkDialog Displays the Edit Hyperlink dialog box 
ShowExportToExcelDialog Displays the Export to Excel Wizard dialog box 
ShowExportToPDFXPSDialog Displays the Publish as PDF or XPS dialog box 
ShowExportToWebDialog Displays the Export to Web dialog box 
ShowFormatPictureDialog Displays the Format Picture dialog box 
ShowImportFormDataDialog Displays the Import Form Data dialog box 
ShowInsertHyperlinkDialog Displays the Insert Hyperlink dialog box 
ShowInsertSymbolDialog Displays the Insert Symbol dialog box 
ShowInsertTableDialog Displays the Insert Table dialog box 
ShowMergeFormDialog Displays the Merge Forms dialog box 
ShowSetLanguageDialog Displays the Language dialog box 
ShowSetSelectedTextFontColorDialog Displays the Color dialog box for setting font color 
ShowSetSelectedTextHighlightColorDialog Displays the Color dialog box for setting highlight color 
ShowSplitCellsDialog Displays the Split Cells dialog box 
ShowTablePropertiesDialog Displays the Table Properties dialog box 
SplitCells Splits the selected cell 
Submit Submits the form 
Undo Performs an undo operation 
WorkOffline Sets the application to work offline 

See Also


Microsoft.Office.Interop.InfoPath Namespace