LogBase Property

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Sets the base of the logarithm when you are using log scales. Attempting to set this property to a value less than or equal to zero (0) causes an error. Read/write Double.


expression   Required. An expression that returns a ChScaling object.


This example causes the specified axis to use a base 2 logarithmic scale.

  Sub SetScaling()

   Dim chConstants
   Dim scValueAxisScaling

   Set chConstants = ChartSpace1.Constants

   ' Set a variable to the scaling object of the value axis.
   Set scValueAxisScaling = ChartSpace1.Charts(0).Axes(chConstants.chAxisPositionValue).Scaling

   ' Set the scaling type.
   scValueAxisScaling.Type = chConstants.chScaleTypeLogarithmic

   ' Set the base value.
   scValueAxisScaling.LogBase = 2

End Sub