BizTalk Framework Disassembler Pipeline Component Properties


Use the BizTalk Framework disassembler pipeline component to save the message context, and create a new message context with the BizTalk Framework property that needs to be generated.

The BizTalk Framework disassembler pipeline component is intended for use in the Disassemble stage of a Receive pipeline.

The properties of the BizTalk Framework disassembler pipeline component can be set in the Properties window of Microsoft Visual Studio. To display the Properties window, select the component, right-click and select Properties, or press F4. The following table contains the configurable BizTalk Framework disassembler pipeline component properties.

Use this To do this
Allow unrecognized message Indicate whether to allow messages that do not have a recognized schema to be passed through the disassembler.

Default value: False
Document schemas Indicate the namespace and typename of the schema or schemas to be applied to the document. For more information, see How to Use the Schema Collection Property Editor.

Default value: Empty collection (Collection)
Envelope schemas Indicate the namespace and typename of the schema or schemas to be applied to the envelope. For more information, see How to Use the Schema Collection Property Editor.

Default value: (Collection), BTF2Schemas.btf2_envelope
Validate document structure Perform a validation of the incoming message to the disassembler, including validating the envelope(s), when set to True.

Default value: False

See Also

Using Pipeline Designer
Envelope Use in the XML Assembler and Disassembler Pipeline Components
BizTalk Framework Disassembler Pipeline Component
BizTalk Framework Schema and Properties
Configuring Native Pipeline Components