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Getting Alert Data from the MCF

Marking Alerts for Forwarding

You can designate which alerts should be forwarded to the connector by setting the alert's resolution state to the custom value associated with the connector. The next call the connector makes to the FrameworkBase.GetData method will return the new alert. After the alert is sent to the connector, the MOM Connector Framework (MCF) sets the alert resolution state back to New.

Subsequent changes to the alert are automatically tracked by the MCF and made available to the connector. You do not need to reset the resolution state more than once.

Specifying What Types of Alert Changes to Monitor

You must specify what types of changes the connector is monitoring when it calls the FrameworkBase.Initialize method. The different types of alert changes are defined in the DataChanges enumeration.

When the connector is initialized, it must poll MCF for alert changes. The connector requests alert information using the FrameworkBase.GetData method. The GetData method uses a DataChanges parameter to filter the types of alert changes returned each time the GetData method is called. The change types received by the connector will always be equal to, or a subset of the DataChanges value sent to the Initialize method.

Acknowledging Receipt of the Alerts

When alert data is received by the connector, it must acknowledge each item using the FrameworkBase.AckData method. Until the changed alerts are acknowledged, the GetData method will continue to return them.

See Also

Registering a Connector with the MCF | Updating Alerts in MOM