DataSourceMoniker syntax

The following information describes the syntax that can be used for the DataSourceMoniker parameter of the methods in the Applies to list, which apply to the DataSets collection. Use this syntax when importing or linking a set of data from any of the applications in the chart below. Some DataSourceMoniker settings require that the ImportFlags parameter also be set.

Applies to

Methods:  ImportData, ImportTerritories, LinkData, LinkTerritories, ShowImportTerritoriesWizard, ShowImportWizard, ShowLinkTerritoriesWizard, ShowLinkWizard

File type Syntax Example
Excel <File> "20Addrs.xls", ImportFlags := geoImportExcelSheet
Excel <File>!<Worksheet> "20Addrs.xls!Sheet1", ImportFlags := geoImportExcelSheet
Excel <File>!<NamedRange> "20Addrs.xls!GlobalNamedRange", ImportFlags := geoImportExcelNamedRange
Excel <File>!<Worksheet>!<A1Range> "20Addrs.xls!Sheet1!A1:H21", ImportFlags := geoImportExcelA1
Excel <File>!<Worksheet>!<R1C1Range> "20Addrs.xls!Sheet1!R1C1:R21:C8", ImportFlags := geoImportExcelR1C1
Excel <File>!<Worksheet>!<NamedRange> "20Addrs.xls!Sheet1!LocalNamedRange", ImportFlags := geoImportExcelNamedRange
Access <File> "20Addresses.mdb", ImportFlags := geoImportAccessTable
Access <File>!<TableName> "20Addresses.mdb!20Addresses", ImportFlags := geoImportAccessTable
Access <File>!<QueryName> "voting results.mdb!I200", ImportFlags := geoImportAccessQuery
Text <File>  
UDL <File>!<Item>  
Outlook Outlook:\\<Mailbox>\<Folder> "Outlook:\\Mailbox - John Smith\Contacts"