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Client-Side Point to Latitude/Longitude Conversion Sample

Client-Side Point to Latitude/Longitude Conversion Sample

This sample shows how to convert a point to latitude/longitude on client-side (without calling the MapPoint Web Service).

Run this sample in Visual Studio .NET

Note You may notice a slight discrepancy between the client generated latitude/longitude and the Web Service generated latitude/longitude due to the SOAP serialization/deserialization rounding approximations for double values.

  1. Navigate to the appropriate project subfolder in the PointConversion folder, and then open the appropriate project file.

    Visual Basic .NET project location:

    SDK_Install_Folder\Samples\[.NET 1.1 | .NET 2.0]\PointConversion\vb\PointConversionVB.vbproj

    Visual C# .NET project location:

    SDK_Install_Folder\Samples\[.NET 1.1 | .NET 2.0]\PointConversion\cs\PointConversionCS.csproj

  2. Replace the values of the myUserId and mySecurePassword variables with your customer ID and password.

  3. On the Project menu, click Update Web Reference.