PinPadBase.Prompt Property


Holds a pre-defined message to be displayed on the PIN Pad.

Namespace: Microsoft.PointOfService.BaseServiceObjects
Assembly: Microsoft.PointOfService.ControlBase (in microsoft.pointofservice.controlbase.dll)


Public Overrides Property Prompt As PinPadMessage
public override PinPadMessage Prompt { get; set; }
virtual property PinPadMessage Prompt {
    PinPadMessage get () override;
    void set (PinPadMessage value) override;
/** @property */
public PinPadMessage get_Prompt ()

/** @property */
public void set_Prompt (PinPadMessage value)
public override function get Prompt () : PinPadMessage

public override function set Prompt (value : PinPadMessage)


The PinPadBase class verifies that the PIN pad device has been opened, then retrieves the value of PinPadProperties.Prompt. If an attempt is made to set Prompt to a value not in the AvailablePromptsList property, the PinPadProperties class throws a PosControlException exception with ErrorCode set to ErrorCode.Illegal.

Prompt is initialized to 0 (zero) by the PinPadProperties class.

Thread Safety

Any public static (Shared in Visual Basic) members of this type are thread-safe. Any instance members are not guaranteed to be thread-safe.

See Also


PinPadBase Class
PinPadBase Members
Microsoft.PointOfService.BaseServiceObjects Namespace
PinPad.Prompt Property
PinPad.AvailablePromptsList Property