NdisMAllocateMapRegisters (Windows CE 5.0)

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This function reserves system resources during NIC driver initialization for subsequent busmaster DMA operations.

VOID NdisMAllocateMapRegisters(NDIS_HANDLE MiniportAdapterHandle,UINT DmaChannel,NDIS_DMA_SIZE DmaSize,ULONG PhysicalMapRegistersNeeded,ULONG MaximumPhysicalMapping);


  • MiniportAdapterHandle
    [in] Handle input to the MiniportInitialize function.
  • DmaChannel
    [in] Specifies the bus-relative DMA channel for an ISA busmaster NIC. If the NIC is on another type of I/O bus, this parameter must be set to 0.
  • DmaSize
    [in] Specifies the size of the bus-relative DMA channel.
  • PhysicalMapRegistersNeeded
    [in] Specifies the maximum number of map registers, each mapping a discrete physical page or contiguous range within a physical page that the NIC can use in a DMA operation. With MaximumPhysicalMapping, this parameter describes the DMA-transfer capabilities of the NIC.
  • MaximumPhysicalMapping
    [in] Specifies the maximum number of bytes that the NIC can transfer as a single DMA operation.

Return Values

    Function was successful.
    Indicates that either incompatible parameters were specified when MiniportInitialize called the NdisMSetAttributesEx function or the requested number of map registers could not be allocated due to system resource constraints.


OS Versions: Windows CE .NET 4.0 and later.
Header: Ndis.h.
Link Library: Ndis.dll.

See Also

NdisMFreeMapRegisters | NdisMSetAttributes | NdisMSetAttributesEx

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