MailMergeDataSource.FindRecord Method

Publisher Developer Reference

Searches the contents of the specified mail merge data source for text in a particular field. Returns a Boolean indicating whether the search text is found; True if the search text is found.


expression.FindRecord(FindText, Field)

expression   A variable that represents a MailMergeDataSource object.


Name Required/Optional Data Type Description
FindText Required String The text to look for.
Field Optional String The name of the field to be searched.

Return Value


This example displays a merge publication for the first record in which the FirstName field contains Joe. If the record is found, the record number is stored in a variable.

Visual Basic for Applications
  Sub FindDataSourceRecord()
    Dim dsMain As MailMergeDataSource
    Dim intRecord As Integer
'Makes the data in the data source records instead of the field codes
ActiveDocument.MailMerge.ViewMailMergeFieldCodes = False

Set dsMain = ActiveDocument.MailMerge.DataSource

If dsMain.<strong class="bterm">FindRecord</strong>(FindText:="Joe", _
        Field:="FirstName") = True Then
    intRecord = dsMain.ActiveRecord
End If

End Sub

See Also