Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfNet_Server class

The Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfNet_Server formatted data class provides precalculated data from performance counters that monitor communications using the WINS Server service.

This class represents the Server object in System Monitor and returns the same data you see in System Monitor. The original data source is the PerfNet performance library. This class derives its raw data from the corresponding raw class Win32_PerfRawData_PerfNet_Server. Data is provided dynamically for this class from the performance library object by the WmiPerfInst provider.

Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP: WMI data for this class is supplied by the Formatted Performance Data Provider.

The following syntax is simplified from MOF code and shows all of the inherited properties, including the Frequency and Timestamp properties required for class display in System Monitor. For more information about required property qualifiers, see Property Qualifiers for Performance Counter Classes. For more information about CounterType values, see WMI Performance Counter Types.


class Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfNet_Server : Win32_PerfFormattedData
  uint32 BlockingRequestsRejected;
  uint64 BytesReceivedPerSec;
  uint64 BytesTotalPerSec;
  uint64 BytesTransmittedPerSec;
  string Caption;
  uint32 ContextBlocksQueuedPerSec;
  string Description;
  uint32 ErrorsAccessPermissions;
  uint32 ErrorsGrantedAccess;
  uint32 ErrorsLogon;
  uint32 ErrorsSystem;
  uint32 FileDirectorySearches;
  uint32 FilesOpen;
  uint32 FilesOpenedTotal;
  uint64 Frequency_Object;
  uint64 Frequency_PerfTime;
  uint64 Frequency_Sys100NS;
  uint32 LogonPerSec;
  uint32 LogonTotal;
  string Name;
  uint32 PoolNonPagedBytes;
  uint32 PoolNonPagedFailures;
  uint32 PoolNonPagedPeak;
  uint32 PoolPagedBytes;
  uint32 PoolPagedFailures;
  uint32 PoolPagedPeak;
  uint32 ServerSessions;
  uint32 SessionsErroredOut;
  uint32 SessionsForcedOff;
  uint32 SessionsLoggedOff;
  uint32 SessionsTimedOut;
  uint64 Timestamp_Object;
  uint64 Timestamp_PerfTime;
  uint64 Timestamp_Sys100NS;
  uint32 WorkItemShortages;


The Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfNet_Server class has these types of members:

  • Properties


The Win32_PerfFormattedData_PerfNet_Server class has these properties.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER") , Counter ("BlockingRequestsRejected") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of times the server has rejected blocking packets (Server Message Blocks or SMBs) due to insufficient count of free work items. Indicates that the MaxWorkItems or MinFreeWorkItems registry values may need adjustment.


Data type: uint64

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT") , Counter ("BytesReceivedPerSec") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number, in bytes, that the server has received from the network. This property indicates how busy the server is.

For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.


Data type: uint64

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT") , Counter ("BytesTotalPerSec") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number, in bytes, that the server has sent to and received from the network, an overall indication of busy the server is.

For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.


Data type: uint64

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_BULK_COUNT") , Counter ("BytesTransmittedPerSec") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number, in bytes, that the server has sent on the network. Indicates how busy the server is.

For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Short textual description for the statistic or metric. This property is inherited from CIM_StatisticalInformation.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER") , Counter ("ContextBlocksQueuedPerSec") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Rate at which work context blocks had to be placed on the server Fax Server Provider (FSP) queue to await action.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Textual description of the statistic or metric. This property is inherited from CIM_StatisticalInformation.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("ErrorsAccessPermissions") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of times opens on behalf of clients have failed with the STATUS_ACCESS_DENIED error. A high number could indicate attempts to randomly locate unprotected files.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("ErrorsGrantedAccess") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of times accesses to files opened successfully were denied. A high number can indicate attempts to access files without proper authorization.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("ErrorsLogon") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of failed logon attempts to the server. A high number might indicate that password guessing programs are being run to crack the security on the server.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("ErrorsSystem") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of times an internal server error was detected. Unexpected errors usually indicate a problem with the server.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("FileDirectorySearches") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of searches for files currently active in the server. Indicates current server activity.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("FilesOpen") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of files currently opened in the server. Indicates current server activity.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("FilesOpenedTotal") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of successful open attempts performed by the server on behalf of clients. This value can help determine the amount of I/O, the overhead for path-based operations, and the effectiveness of open locks.


Data type: uint64

Access type: Read-only

Frequency, in ticks per second, of Timestamp_Object. This property is defined by the provider. This property is inherited from Win32_Perf.

For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.


Data type: uint64

Access type: Read-only

Frequency, in ticks per second, of Timestamp_Perftime. A value could be obtained by calling the Windows function QueryPerformanceCounter. This property is inherited from Win32_Perf.

For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.


Data type: uint64

Access type: Read-only

Frequency, in ticks per second, of Timestamp_Sys100NS (10000000). This property is inherited from Win32_Perf.

For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER") , Counter ("LogonPerSec") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Rate of all server logons.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("LogonTotal") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

All interactive logons, network logons, service logons, successful logons, and failed logons after the machine is last rebooted.


Data type: string

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: Key, MaxLen (256)

Label by which the statistic or metric is known. This property is inherited from CIM_StatisticalInformation.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("PoolNonPagedBytes") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number, in bytes, of nonpaged computer memory the server is using. This value is useful for determining the values of the MaxNonpagedMemoryUsage value entry in the Windows registry.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER") , Counter ("PoolNonPagedFailures") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of times allocations from nonpaged pool have failed. Indicates that the computer's physical memory is too small.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("PoolNonPagedPeak") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Maximum number, in bytes, of nonpaged pool the server has had in use at any one point. Indicates how much physical memory the computer should have.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("PoolPagedBytes") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number, in bytes, of paged computer memory the server is currently using. Can help in determining good values for the MaxPagedMemoryUsage value entry in the Windows registry.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("PoolPagedFailures") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of times allocations from paged pool have failed. Indicates that the computer's physical memory or paging file are too small.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("PoolPagedPeak") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Maximum number, in bytes, of paged pool the server has had allocated. Indicates the proper sizes of the page files and physical memory.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("ServerSessions") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of sessions currently active in the server. Indicates current server activity.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("SessionsErroredOut") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of sessions that have been closed due to unexpected error conditions or sessions that have reached the autodisconnect time out and have been disconnected normally.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("SessionsForcedOff") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of sessions that have been forced to logoff. This value can indicate how many sessions were forced to logoff due to logon time constraints.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("SessionsLoggedOff") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of sessions that have terminated normally. This value allows percentage calculations that help interpret the SessionsTimedOut and SessionsErroredOut statistics.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_RAWCOUNT") , Counter ("SessionsTimedOut") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of sessions that have been closed because the idle time exceeded the AutoDisconnect parameter for the server. This property shows whether the AutoDisconnect setting is helping to conserve resources.


Data type: uint64

Access type: Read-only

Object-defined timestamp, defined by the provider. This property is inherited from Win32_Perf.

For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.


Data type: uint64

Access type: Read-only

High Performance counter timestamp. A value can be obtained by calling the Windows function QueryPerformanceCounter. This property is inherited from Win32_Perf.

For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.


Data type: uint64

Access type: Read-only

Timestamp value in 100 nanosecond units. This property is inherited from Win32_Perf.

For more information about using uint64 values in scripts, see Scripting in WMI.


Data type: uint32

Access type: Read-only

Qualifiers: CookingType ("PERF_COUNTER_COUNTER") , Counter ("WorkItemShortages") , PerfTimeStamp ("Timestamp_PerfTime") , PerfTimeFreq ("Frequency_PerfTime")

Number of times STATUS_DATA_NOT_ACCEPTED was returned at receive indication time. This occurs when no work item is available or can be allocated to service the incoming request. Indicates whether the InitWorkItems or MaxWorkItems registry values might must be adjusted.


All classes derived from Win32_Perf are designed to be used with a refresher object. For more information about how to create and use a refresher object in C++, see Accessing Performance Data in C++. For more information about how to create and use a refresher object using scripts, see Refreshing WMI Data in Scripts.

The performance class and property qualifiers determine how to interpret the class data. For more information, see Class Qualifiers for Performance Counter Classes and Property Qualifiers for Performance Counter Classes.


For script code examples, see WMI Tasks for Scripts and Applications and the TechNet ScriptCenter Script Repository.

For C++ code examples, see WMI C++ Application Examples.


Minimum supported client

Windows XP

Minimum supported server

Windows Server 2003




WmiPerfInst.dll; WmiCookr.dll on Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP

See also

Performance Counter Classes

Accessing WMI Preinstalled Performance Classes

WMI Tasks: Performance Monitoring

Accessing Performance Data in Script