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The HOME attribute-keyword is the common root path name to all the namespaces specified in the NAMESPACES keyword list. If the HOME keyword is defined, all names in the NAMESPACES list are assumed to be relative to the HOME namespace. The fully qualified namespace path can be derived by adding the HOME namespace (as a prefix) to each of the names in the NAMESPACE list. If the HOME keyword is not defined, all namespaces in the NAMESPACES list are assumed to be fully qualified. The following example shows the fully qualified namespace root\redmond\fred:


Windows Server 2003: The WMI Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) Adapter is not available in Windows Server 2003. When you upgrade to Windows Server 2003, the WMI ODBC Adapter is not removed if it already exists on a computer. For an alternative type of data access, see Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC).