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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPCore Interface 

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IWMPCore Interface

The IWMPCore interface is the root interface for the Windows Media Player control. It can be used to retrieve pointers to other interfaces supported by the control and to access some basic features.

In addition to the methods inherited from IDispatch, the IWMPCore interface exposes the following methods.

Method Description
close Closes Windows Media Player.
get_cdromCollection Retrieves a pointer to an IWMPCdromCollection interface.
get_closedCaption Retrieves a pointer to an IWMPClosedCaption interface.
get_controls Retrieves a pointer to an IWMPControls interface.
get_currentMedia Retrieves a pointer to an IWMPMedia interface corresponding to the current media item.
get_currentPlaylist Retrieves a pointer to an IWMPPlaylist interface corresponding to the current playlist.
get_error Retrieves a pointer to an IWMPError interface.
get_isOnline Retrieves a value indicating whether the user is connected to a network.
get_mediaCollection Retrieves pointer to an IWMPMediaCollection interface.
get_network Retrieves a pointer to an IWMPNetwork interface.
get_openState Retrieves an WMPOpenState enumeration value indicating the state of the content source.
get_playlistCollection Retrieves a pointer to an IWMPPlaylistCollection interface.
get_playState Retrieves an WMPPlayState enumeration value indicating the operating state of Windows Media Player.
get_settings Retrieves a pointer an IWMPSettings interface.
get_status Retrieves a value indicating the current status of Windows Media Player.
get_URL Retrieves the name of the clip to play.
get_versionInfo Retrieves a value specifying the version of Windows Media Player.
launchURL Sends a URL to the user's default browser.
put_currentMedia Specifies the IWMPMedia interface that corresponds to the current media item.
put_currentPlaylist Specifies the IWMPPlaylist interface that corresponds to the current playlist.
put_URL Specifies the name of the clip to play.

See Also

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