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Windows Media Player 11 SDK IWMPContentPartnerCallback::ChangeView 

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Note This section describes functionality designed for use by online stores. Use of this functionality outside the context of an online store is not supported.

The ChangeView method changes the view in Windows Media Player.


  HRESULT ChangeView(
  BSTR  bstrType,
  BSTR  bstrID,
  BSTR  bstrFilter



[in]  A library location constant that specifies the type of the new library view. For example, the constant g_szGenreID specifies that the new view will show a particular genre.


[in]  The ID of the specific item to show in the new view. For example, if bstrType is g_szGenreID, then this parameter specifies the ID of the particular genre to show in the new view.


[in]  The filter for the new view. The view will be filtered as if the user had entered this text in the Player's word wheel control.

Return Values

The method returns an HRESULT. Possible values include, but are not limited to, those in the following table.

Return code Description
S_OK The method succeeded.


This method must be called only in response to a user request, such as when the user invokes a command by clicking a context menu item.


Version: Windows Media Player 11

Header: contentpartner.h

See Also

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