Properties of ICEnroll4

The following properties are defined by the ICEnroll4 interface or are properties the ICEnroll4 interface inherits from ICEnroll, ICEnroll2, and ICEnroll3.

Property Description
CAStoreFlags Sets or retrieves a flag that controls the certification authority (CA) store when the store is opened.
CAStoreName Sets or retrieves the name of the store where all non-"ROOT" and non-"MY" certificates are kept.
CAStoreType Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the CAStoreName property.
ClientId Sets or retrieves the client ID request attribute.
ContainerName Sets or retrieves the name of the key container to use.
DeleteRequestCert Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether dummy certificates in the request store are deleted.
EnableSMIMECapabilities Controls whether the PKCS10 will contain a signed attribute for Secure/Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions (S/MIME) capabilities.
EnableT61DNEncoding Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the distinguished name in the request is encoded as a T61 string instead of as a UNICODE string.
GenKeyFlags Sets or retrieves the values passed to CryptGenKey when the certificate request is generated.
HashAlgID Sets or retrieves the hash algorithm used when signing a PKCS #10 certificate request.
HashAlgorithm Sets or retrieves only the signature hash algorithm used to sign the PKCS #10.
IncludeSubjectKeyID Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that controls whether a subject key identifier extension is included in the certificate request.
KeySpec Sets or retrieves the type of key generated.
LimitExchangeKeyToEncipherment Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether an AT_KEYEXCHANGE request contains digital signature and nonrepudiation key usages.
MyStoreFlags Sets or retrieves the registry location used for MY store.
MyStoreName Sets or retrieves the name of the store where certificates with linked private keys are kept.
MyStoreType Sets or retrieves the type of store specified by the MyStoreName property.
PrivateKeyArchiveCertificate Sets or retrieves the certificate that is used to archive a private key with a PKCS #7 or Certificate Management over CMS (CMC) request.
ProviderFlags Sets or retrieves the provider type.
ProviderName Sets or retrieves the name of the cryptographic service provider (CSP) to use.
ProviderType Sets or retrieves the type of provider.
PVKFileName Sets or retrieves the name of the file that will contain exported keys.
RequestStoreFlags Sets or retrieves the registry location used for the request store.
RequestStoreName Sets or retrieves the name of the store that contains the dummy certificate. This dummy certificate, along with the added private keys, remains in the Request store until a certification authority processes the request and responds with a PKCS #7.
RequestStoreType Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the RequestStoreName property.
ReuseHardwareKeyIfUnableToGenNew Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines the action taken by the certificate enrollment control object if an error is encountered when generating a new key.
RootStoreFlags Sets or retrieves the registry location used for the ROOT store.
RootStoreName Sets or retrieves the name of the root store where all intrinsically trusted self-signed ROOT certificates are kept.
RootStoreType Sets or retrieves the type of store to use for the store specified by the RootStoreName property.
SignerCertificate Sets the signing certificate.
SPCFileName Sets or retrieves the name of the file in which to write the resulting base64-encoded PKCS #7 (in BSTR form) as returned from the certification authority.
ThumbPrint Sets or retrieves a hash of the certificate data.
UseExistingKeySet Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the existing keys should be used.
WriteCertToCSP Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether a certificate should be written to the cryptographic service provider (CSP).
WriteCertToUserDS Sets or retrieves a Boolean value that determines whether the certificate is written to the user's Active Directory store.