WcmSettingType enumeration (wcmconfig.h)

Describes setting types that are returned from the ISettingsItem::GetSettingType method and defines the object model type for the calling ISettingsItem interface.


typedef enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_wcmconfig_0000_0000_0004 {
  settingTypeScalar = 1,
  settingTypeComplex = 2,
  settingTypeList = 3
} WcmSettingType;


Value: 1
For items of this type, you can call the ISettingsItem::GetDataType, ISettingsItem::GetValue, ISettingsItem::GetValueRaw, ISettingsItem::GetRestriction, ISettingsItem::GetRestrictionFacets, ISettingsItem::SetValue, and ISettingsItem::SetValueRaw methods.
Value: 2
Items of this type may have children. You may call the ISettingsItem::Children, ISettingsItem::GetChild, or ISettingsItem::HasChild methods on this setting type.
Value: 3
Items of this type may have children. You may call the ISettingsItem::Children, ISettingsItem::GetChild, or ISettingsItem::HasChild methods on this setting type. You can also call the ISettingsItem::CreateListElement and ISettingsItem::RemoveListElement methods on children of items of this type.


Note  All methods of the ISettingsItem interface, other than the ones that are explicitly described for a particular type, may be called on any type of setting.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Header wcmconfig.h