WcmRestrictionFacets enumeration (wcmconfig.h)

Enumerates the facet values that may be returned by the ISettingsItem::GetRestrictionFacets method. The facet values are combined by performing an OR operation to provide a full identification of the facets that are defined on the base type for a particular setting. This enumeration type is also used as an input to the ISettingsItem::GetRestriction method to specify a facet and retrieve the corresponding information for that facet.

The facet values roughly conform to the restrictions defined in Data Type Facets. Simple data types (both built-in and derived) have facets. A facet is a single defining aspect that helps determine the set of values for a simple type. For example, MaxLength, minInclusive, and maxInclusive are common facets for the built-in data types. All of the facets for a simple type define the set of legal values for that simple type.


typedef enum __MIDL___MIDL_itf_wcmconfig_0000_0000_0005 {
  restrictionFacetMaxLength = 0x1,
  restrictionFacetEnumeration = 0x2,
  restrictionFacetMaxInclusive = 0x4,
  restrictionFacetMinInclusive = 0x8
} WcmRestrictionFacets;


Value: 0x1
Maximum number of units of length. Units of length depend on the data type. This value must be a nonNegativeInteger.
Value: 0x2
Specified set of values. This limits a data type to the specified values.
Value: 0x4
Maximum value. This value must be the same data type as the inherited data type.
Value: 0x8
Lower bound value (all values are greater than this value). This value must be the same data type as the inherited data type.


Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Header wcmconfig.h