share_info_50 Structure

The share_info_50 structure contains information about the shared resource, including the name and type of the resource, a comment associated with the resource, and passwords.


typedef struct _share_info_50 {
  char           shi50_netname[LM20_NNLEN+1];
  unsigned char  shi50_type;
  unsigned short shi50_flags;
  char FAR *      shi50_remark;
  char FAR *      shi50_path;
  char           shi50_rw_password[SHPWLEN+1];
  char           shi50_ro_password[SHPWLEN+1];
} _share_info_50;


  • shi50_netname
    Specifies a string containing the share name of the resource.

  • shi50_type
    Specifies the type of resource share. This member can be one of the following predefined values.

    Value Meaning


    Disk drive.


    Print queue.


    Communication device.


    Interprocess communication (IPC).


    Special share reserved for interprocess communication (IPC$) or remote administration of the server (ADMIN$). Can also refer to administrative shares such as C$, D$, E$, and so forth. For more information, see the network management share functions.


    A temporary share.

  • shi50_flags
    Specifies an unsigned SHORT integer describing the resource, when the server is running with share-level security. This member can be one or more of the following values.

    Value Meaning


    The share can be opened with read-only access.


    The share can be opened with read/write access.


    The share can be opened with read/write access.


    The share is restored at system startup.


    The share is a hidden share, and normally is not visible.

    In a user-level security environment, specify the value SHI50F_FULL. When the server is running with user-level security the network management access functions (those that begin with NetAccess) determine the access rights.

  • shi50_remark
    Pointer to a string containing an optional comment about the shared resource.

  • shi50_path
    Pointer to a string specifying the local path for the shared resource. Note that the string specified must contain only uppercase characters. If the path contains lowercase characters, calls to the NetShareAdd and NetShareSetInfo functions can fail with NERR_UnknownDevDir or ERROR_BAD_NET_NAME.

  • shi50_rw_password
    Specifies a string containing the password (when the server is running with share-level security) required to read data from and write data to the resource, and to execute the resource. If the server is running with user-level security, this member is ignored.

  • shi50_ro_password
    Specifies a string containing the password (when the server is running with share-level security) required to read data from the resource and, by default, to execute the resource. If the server is running with user-level security, this member is ignored.


Client Windows Me, Windows 98, or Windows 95
Header Svrapi.h

See Also

Network Management Overview
Network Management Structures
Share Functions

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Build date: 1/7/2009