EapMethodAuthenticatorUpdateInnerMethodParams function (eapmethodauthenticatorapis.h)

Updates the EAP authentication session settings previous established by a call to EapMethodAuthenticatorBeginSession from the server EAPHost.

EapMethodAuthenticatorUpdateInnerMethodParams is a function prototype.


DWORD EapMethodAuthenticatorUpdateInnerMethodParams(
  [in]  EAP_SESSION_HANDLE          sessionHandle,
  [in]  DWORD                       dwFlags,
  [in]  const WCHAR                 *pwszIdentity,
  [in]  const EapAttributes * const pAttributeArray,
  [out] EAP_ERROR                   **ppEapError


[in] sessionHandle

A pointer to an EAP_SESSION_HANDLE structure that contains the unique handle for this EAP authentication session on the EAPHost server. This handle is returned in the pSessionHandle parameter in a previous call to EapMethodAuthenticatorBeginSession.

[in] dwFlags

A combination of EAP flags that describe the updated EAP authentication session behavior.

[in] pwszIdentity

A zero-terminated Unicode string that contains the updated identity of the user to authenticate.

[in] pAttributeArray

A pointer to an EapAttributes array structure that specifies the updated EAP attributes of the entity to authenticate.

[out] ppEapError

A pointer to the address of an EAP_ERROR structure that contains any errors raised during the execution of this function call. After consuming the error data, this memory must be freed by passing a pointer to the error data to EapMethodAuthenticatorFreeErrorMemory.

Return value



Requirement Value
Minimum supported client Windows Vista [desktop apps only]
Minimum supported server Windows Server 2008 [desktop apps only]
Target Platform Windows
Header eapmethodauthenticatorapis.h

See also

EAPHost Authenticator Method Functions
