DRMCreateUser function (msdrm.h)

[The AD RMS SDK leveraging functionality exposed by

the client in Msdrm.dll is available for use in Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows 7, Windows Server 2012, and Windows 8. It may be altered or

unavailable in subsequent versions. Instead, use Active Directory Rights Management Services SDK 2.1,

which leverages functionality exposed by the client in Msipc.dll.]

The DRMCreateUser function creates a user that will be granted a right.


  [in]  PWSTR        wszUserName,
  [in]  PWSTR        wszUserId,
  [in]  PWSTR        wszUserIdType,
  [out] DRMPUBHANDLE *phUser


[in] wszUserName

A null-terminated string that identifies a user or group of users (see Remarks). This parameter is often an email address. When the user created is passed in as hOwner to DRMCreateIssuanceLicense, this value is attached to the Owner node in the license XrML. For more information about possible values for this parameter, see the wszUserIdType parameter.

[in] wszUserId

A null-terminated string that identifies a user that will be granted a right. This parameter can be a Passport ID (PUID), Windows ID security ID (SID), or NULL. If this parameter is NULL, wszUserIdType must contain "Unspecified". This ID is verified by the Active Directory Rights Management Services system. For more information about possible values for this parameter, see the wszUserIdType parameter.

[in] wszUserIdType

The user ID type. This parameter can be one of the following values.


For this value, wszUserName and wszUserId can contain the following.


Fully qualified SMTP address. Can be NULL if wszUserId contains a SID.


Optional SID (used for decorative purposes only; not verified). If not given, the license records "Unspecified".


For this value, wszUserName and wszUserId can contain the following.


Fully qualified SMTP address. Required in all cases.


Optional PUID (used for decorative purposes only; not verified). If not given, the license records "Unspecified".


For this value, wszUserName and wszUserId can contain the following.


Fully qualified SMTP address. Required in all cases.


NULL (see Remarks).


For this value, wszUserName and wszUserId can contain the following.




One of the following:


A license will be granted to anyone who requests one, but it will be attached to the requesting user.


A license will be granted to the owner, specified in DRMCreateIssuanceLicense.


For this value, wszUserName and wszUserId can contain the following.


Fully qualified SMTP address. Can be NULL if wszUserId contains a SID.


Optional SID (used for decorative purposes only; not verified). If not given, the license records "Unspecified".

[out] phUser

A pointer to the handle of the created user. Call DRMClosePubHandle to close the handle.

Return value

If the function succeeds, the function returns S_OK.

If the function fails, it returns an HRESULT value that indicates the error. For a list of common error codes, see Common HRESULT Values.


At license request time, a user must present a rights account certificate identifying themselves by SID or PUID if the user ID is WINDOWS or PASSPORT. If the user ID type is UNSPECIFIED (that is, if you do not know if it will be Windows, Passport, or some other type), you can simply enter an email address of a client, and the AD RMS system will use the email address alone to verify identity. However, this method is much less secure.

Windows authorization is used when a client is within an enterprise with its own license server (typically this occurs over a LAN or Virtual Private Network). When a client will be requesting a use license from a server outside an enterprise (typically over the Internet), you should use Passport authorization. To use Passport authorization on your AD RMS service, go to the AD RMS Global Administration webpage, view the Trust Policies page, and then click Trust Passport RACs. You may mix Windows and Passport users in a single issuance license.

If you want to create an issuance license for a group of people under an email distribution list (such as marketing@contoso.com), insert the fully qualified distribution list name into wszUserName, and leave wszUserId empty. The server will expand the distribution list when obtaining the use license. Note that this can cause a performance lag if the distribution list contains several nested distribution lists within it.

Call DRMClosePubHandle to close the handle of the user object created by calling this function.


Requirement Value
Target Platform Windows
Header msdrm.h
Library Msdrm.lib
DLL Msdrm.dll

See also

AD RMS Functions

Creating and Using Issuance Licenses
