VisGraphicPositionHorizontal Constants

Visio Automation Reference

Constants passed to and returned by the GraphicItem.HorizontalPosition property. Used to determine the horizontal position of a graphic item relative to its container or to a shape.

Aa342216.vs_note(en-us,office.12).gif  Note
This Visio object or member is available only to licensed users of Microsoft Office Visio Professional 2007.
Name Value Description
visGraphicFarLeft 0 The right edge of the graphic item's alignment box is aligned with the left edge of the shape or container's alignment box.
visGraphicLeftEdge 1 The vertical centerline of the graphic item's alignment box is aligned with the left edge of the shape or container's alignment box.
visGraphicLeft 2 The left edge of the graphic item's alignment box is aligned with the left edge of the shape or container's alignment box.
visGraphicCenter 3 The vertical centerline of the graphic item's alignment box is aligned with the vertical centerline of the shape or container's alignment box.
visGraphicRight 4 The right edge of the graphic item's alignment box is aligned with the right edge of the shape or container's alignment box.
visGraphicRightEdge 5 The vertical centerline of the graphic item's alignment box is aligned with the right edge of the shape or container's alignment box.
visGraphicFarRight 6 The left edge of the graphic item's alignment box is aligned with the right edge of the shape or container's alignment box.