VisFilterActions Constants

Visio Automation Reference

Drag-state extensions of the MouseMove event to filter, corresponding to user mouse actions related to dragging and dropping Visio objects. Passed to the Event.SetFilterActions method and returned by the Event.GetFilterActions method. By filtering, you can specify which mouse actions (event extensions) you want to listen to.

Name Value Description
visFilterMouseMoveDragBegin 1 Filter the DragBegin extension of the MouseMove event.
visFilterMouseMoveDragDrop 5 Filter the DragDrop extension of the MouseMove event.
visFilterMouseMoveDragEnter 2 Filter the DragEnter extension of the MouseMove event.
visFilterMouseMoveDragLeave 4 Filter the DragLeave extension of the MouseMove event.
visFilterMouseMoveDragOver 3 Filter the DragOver extension of the MouseMove event.
visFilterMouseMoveNoDrag 0 Do not filter any extensions of the MouseMove event.