Building, Debugging, and Testing

Building, debugging, and testing are key activities in developing and finishing robust applications, components, and services. The tools provided with Visual Studio .NET are designed to allow you to control build configurations, identify and resolve errors efficiently, and test your builds in a variety of ways. The following topics cover not only use of the tools but offer recommendations and guidelines as well.

In This Section

  • Default and Custom Builds
    Configure debug, release, and special builds of your Visual Studio .NET solution for targeted groups of internal and external users.
  • Debugging
    Run the Visual Studio Debugger to resolve logic and semantic errors, and learn techniques specific to the technologies and languages chosen to implement your solution.
  • Testing
    Complete your development effort by testing the scalability, performance, and quality of candidate builds for the release version of your solution.
  • Debugging Managed Code
    Read more about debugging Visual Basic and Visual C# projects.
  • Tracing and Instrumenting Applications in Visual Basic and Visual C#
    Use the Trace mechanism to monitor the execution of your application while it is running.
  • Deploying Applications and Components
    Explore the tools and technologies for deploying and distributing your solution.
  • Designing Distributed Applications
    Consider application design decisions that can affect the overall quality of your complete solution.
  • Visual Studio Analyzer
    Use this tool to examine and debug distributed applications.
  • .NET Framework Tools
    Learn about the tools and utilities offered by the framework.
  • Debugging in Visual J#
    Read more about debugging Visual J# projects.