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Syntax 1

public Menu()


Constructs a new menu with an empty label. This menu is not a tear-off menu.

Syntax 2

public Menu( String label )

  • label
    the menu's label in the menu bar, or in another menu of which this menu is a submenu.

Constructs a new menu with the specified label. This menu is not a tear-off menu.

Syntax 3

public Menu( String label**, boolean** tearOff )

  • label
    the menu's label in the menu bar, or in another menu of which this menu is a submenu.
  • tearOff
    if true, the menu is a tear-off menu.

Constructs a new menu with the specified label. If the value of tearOff is true, the menu can be torn off.

Tear-off functionality may not be supported by all implementations of AWT. If a particular implementation doesn't support tear-off menus, this value is silently ignored.