Visual Basic: Windows Controls

HeightChanged Event

See Also   Example   Applies To

Occurs when the Height of a CoolBar control changes.


Private Sub object**_HeightChanged([**index As Integer],newheightAs Single)

The HeightChanged event syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to a CoolBar control.
index An integer that uniquely identifies a control if its in a control array.
newheight Single-precision floating-point number specifying the new height of the control.


The HeightChanged event occurs after the Resize event when the CoolBar height needs to change. This can occur when the user rearranges bands at run time, or when the height of one or more bands is changed programmatically.

This event is useful when the CoolBar is hosted by a container which is capable of suppressing changes. In such a case, reading the Height property during the Resize event may not be reliable, or the Resize event may be suppressed. The HeightChanged event allows you to add code to allow the CoolBar control to display properly.