Choosing a Cursor Library


Microsoft® Visual Studio™ 6.0 provides many cursor libraries for use with your application. In choosing a cursor library, you'll want to consider which cursor characteristics your application requires: this includes scrolling, positioned update and delete, concurrency detection, whether or not batch processing is allowed, and whether the cursor can be either server- or client-side.

It's worth noting that not all cursor libraries are capable of implementing all of the possible cursor types. As a general rule, the capability of your cursor depends on a combination of the features in the data source, the ODBC driver, the cursor library, and the cursor type you choose.

The following sections acquaint you with the cursor libraries that are available for your application.

Section Description
ODBC Cursor Library Defines the cursors and locks available in the Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) library.
SQL Server Cursor Library Defines the cursors and locks available in the SQL Server cursor library.
RDO Cursor Library Defines the cursors and locks available in the Remote Data Objects (RDO) cursor library.
ADO Cursor Library Defines the cursors and locks available in the ActiveX Data Objects (ADO) cursor library.
ODBCDirect Cursor Library Defines the cursors and locks available in the ODBCDirect cursor library.
DB-Library Cursors Defines the cursors and locks available in the DB-Library.
DAO ODBC via Jet Cursors Defines the cursors and locks available for Data Access Objects (DAO) Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) through Jet.
VBSQL Cursors Defines the cursors and locks available in the Visual Basic® Library for SQL Server (VBSQL).