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Visual Basic: RDO Data Control

rdoResultset Object, rdoResultsets Collection Example

The following example illustrates execution of a multiple result set query. While this query uses three SELECT statements, only two return rows to your application. The subquery used instead of a join does not pass rows outside the scope of the query itself. This is also an example of a simple parameter query that concatenates the arguments instead of using an rdoQuery to manage the query. The OpenResultset also runs asynchronously the code checks for completion of the operation by polling the StillExecuting property.

  Private Sub ShowResultset_Click()
Dim rs As rdoResultset
Dim cn As New rdoConnection
Dim cl As rdoColumn
Dim SQL As String
Const None As String = ""

cn.Connect = "uid=;pwd=;server=SEQUEL;" _
    & "driver={SQL Server};database=pubs;" _
    & "DSN='';"
cn.CursorDriver = rdUseOdbc
cn.EstablishConnection rdDriverNoPrompt

SQL = "Select Au_Lname, Au_Fname" _
    & " From Authors A" _
    & " Where Au_ID in " _
    & " (Select Au_ID" _
    & "     from TitleAuthor TA, Titles T" _
    & "     Where TA.Au_ID = A.Au_ID" _
    & "     And TA.Title_ID = T.Title_ID " _
    & "     And T.Title Like '" _
    & InputBox("Enter search string", , "C") & "%')" _
    & "Select * From Titles Where price > 10"

Set rs = cn.OpenResultset(SQL, rdOpenKeyset, _
    rdConcurReadOnly, rdAsyncEnable + rdExecDirect)
Debug.Print "Executing ";
While rs.StillExecuting
    Debug.Print ".";

    Debug.Print String(50, "-")  _
   & "Processing Result Set " & String(50, "-")
    For Each cl In rs.rdoColumns
        Debug.Print cl.Name,
    Do Until rs.EOF
        For Each cl In rs.rdoColumns
            Debug.Print cl.Value,
    Debug.Print "Row count="; rs.RowCount
Loop Until rs.MoreResults = False
End Sub