Visual Basic: DataGrid Control

SplitChange Event

See Also   Example   Applies To

Occurs when the current cell changes to a different cell in another split.


Private Sub object_SplitChange([ index As Integer])

The SplitChange event syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
index An integer that identifies a control if it is in a control array.


This event is triggered under several circumstances:

  • When the grid is first displayed.

  • When the user clicks a cell in another split (subject to the setting of the AllowFocus property).

  • When the user presses a navigation key to cross a split boundary (subject to the setting of the TabAcrossSplits property).

  • When the Split property is changed in code to a different value.

  • When a new split is inserted before the current split via code or user interaction.

  • When the current split is removed via code or user interaction.

If the user edits data and then moves the current cell position to a new row in another split, the update events for the original row are completed before the SplitChange event is executed.

If a split change also results in a change to the current row or column, then the SplitChange event will always precede the RowColChange event.