Visual Basic Reference

OLEServerBusyTimeout Property

See Also    Example    Applies To

Returns or sets the number of milliseconds during which an automation request will continue to be retried, before the default Component Busy dialog box (or an alternate message) is displayed. Not available at design time.


object.OLEServerBusyTimeout [= milliseconds]

The OLEServerBusyTimeout property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
milliseconds A Long integer representing the number of milliseconds during which an automation request will be retried.


The default value of this property is 10000 milliseconds (ten seconds).

Important   This time-out value also affects documents you link or embed using the OLEContainer control or the Toolbox. If you are using linked or embedded documents and you change this property before an automation request, it is a good idea to reset the value afterward.