Visual Basic: CommonDialog Control

Max, Min Properties (CommonDialog)

See Also   Example   Applies To

You can set the Max and Min properties for the following:

  • Font dialog box return or set the smallest and largest font sizes displayed in the Size list box.

  • Print dialog box return or set the minimum and maximum allowed values for the print range.


object**.Min** [= points]

object**.Max** [= points]

object**.Min** [= number ]

object**.Max** [= number ]

The Max and Min property syntaxes have these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
points A numeric expression specifying the smallest and largest font sizes.
number A numeric expression specifying the minimum and maximum page numbers.


  • With the Font dialog box, the cdlCFLimitSize flag must be set before using these properties.

  • With the Print dialog box, the Min property determines the smallest number the user can specify in the From text box. The Max property determines the largest number the user can specify in the To text box.

Data Type
