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Licclien: Client of Licensed DLL Server

Note   To use this sample, you must first build the Licserve sample.

The Licclien sample examines how a client application uses licensed components provided by a COM server. Licclien works with the COM servers of two other samples, Licserve and Dllserve. It manipulates a set of components similar to those presented in Dllclien: COCar, COUtilityCar, COLicCruiseCar, and COUtilityCruiseCar. In this lesson, the COCar and COUtilityCar components are obtained, as they were in Dllclien, from the Dllserve server. This sample, however, uses a new licensed version of the COCruiseCar component that is presented in Dllserve and Dllclien. This licensed component, COLicCruiseCar, is housed in a different server, Licserve.

Like Dllclien, Licclien.exe creates its own COUtilityCruiseCar COM object, which is constructed by reusing the licensed COLicCruiseCar COM object by aggregation and augmenting it with a native IUtility interface. Because the COLicCruiseCar COM object class is a licensed aggregatable component, Licclien illustrates nested aggregation involving a licensed component.

See the parent topic, COM Tutorial Samples, to download global tutorial files or any HTML files about this sample.

Building SDK Samples

This sample uses the following keywords:

aboutbox; addref; adjust; checkmenuitem; cimpiutility; clear; clutch; cmainwindow; cocreateinstance; cofreeunusedlibraries; cogetclassobject; coinitialize; copy; couninitialize; coutilitycruisecar; create; createinstancelic; createutilitycruisecar; defined; defwindowproc; delete_pointer; dispatchmessage; domenu; engage; errorbox; errorid; failed; getdc; gethwnd; getinterface; getlasterror; getmenu; getmenustate; getmessage; getsystemmetrics; gettextmetrics; getusername; initapplication; initinstance; loadaccelerators; loadcursor; loadicon; loadimage; loadstringa; log; logerror; logf1; logging; logid; makefamilypath; makeintresource; messageboxa; offroad; postmessage; postquitmessage; queryinterface; readhelp; readsource; readtutorial; registerclassex; release; release_interface; releasedc; requestlickey; resize; shift; showdialog; showwindow; speed; stdmethodimp_; steer; style; succeeded; sysfreestring; text; translateaccelerator; translatemessage; unicodeok; updatewindow; winch; windowproc; winmain