Visual Basic: RDO Data Control

Move Methods Example

This example illustrates use of the rdAsyncEnable option in conjunction with the MoveLast method. The Phones table is simply a table with over 15,000 rows which takes some time to process. While this is not a recommended technique, it provides a way to illustrate a query that takes a significant length of time to run and fully populate as is done when you execute the MoveLast method. The application uses a status bar to indicate the degree of completion of the operations.

  Option Explicit
Dim rdoCn As New rdoConnection
Dim rdoRs As rdoResultset
Dim SQL As String
Dim TimeExpected As Single
Dim Ts As Single, Tn As Single

Private Sub Command1_Click()
TimeExpected = 5      ' We expect this to take about 5 seconds
SQL = "Select Email, Name From Phones"
Set rdoRs = rdoCn.OpenResultset(Name:=SQL, _
   Type:=rdOpenStatic, _
   LockType:=rdConcurReadOnly, _
ShowProgress "Query"
'   Query Has completed... now move to the last row
rdoRs.MoveLast rdAsyncEnable
' We expect this to take about 15 seconds
TimeExpected = 15      
ShowProgress "MoveLast"
End Sub

Sub ShowProgress(Operation As String)
Ts = Timer
'  time to execute  query
ProgressBar1.Max = TimeExpected  
While rdoRs.StillExecuting
   Tn = Int(Timer - Ts)
   If Tn < TimeExpected Then
      ProgressBar1 = Tn
      ProgressBar1.Max = ProgressBar1.Max + 10
      TimeExpected = ProgressBar1.Max
   End If
Status = Operation & "Done. Duration:"  _
   & Int(Timer - Ts)
End Sub
Private Sub Form_Load()
With rdoCn
   .Connect = "UID=;PWD=;Database=WorkDB;" _
   & "Server=BETAV486;Driver={SQL Server}" _
   & "DSN='';"
   .LoginTimeout = 5
   .EstablishConnection rdDriverNoPrompt, True
End With
Exit Sub
End Sub