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Visual Basic: RDO Data Control

ErrorThreshold Property (Remote Data)

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Returns or sets a value that determines the severity level that constitutes a fatal error.

Note   This property is provided for backward compatibility with RDO version 1.0 code. It should be replaced with code that implements the rdoEngine object's InfoMessage event which provides equivalent functionality.


In version 4.x of Microsoft SQL Server, it is not possible to set the severity of errors using the RAISERROR statement. As a result, the ErrorThreshold property was needed to permit your code to filter those messages beyond a threshold of severity.

Version 6.x of Microsoft SQL Server now supports the inclusion of a severity level in the RAISERROR statement so it is no longer necessary to use the ErrorThreshold property.

All errors that are returned with a severity of less than 10 are trapped by the ODBC layers and set the SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO result code. This causes RDO to raise the InfoMessage event but not stop query processing.