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Visual Basic: RDO Data Control

DataSourceName Property (Remote Data)

See Also    Example    Applies To

Returns or sets the data source name for a RemoteData control.


object**.DataSourceName** [= datasourcename ]

The DataSourceName property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.
datasourcename A string expression that indicates a registered data source name.


This property can be left blank if the RemoteData control's Connect property identifies a data source name (DSN) registered in the Windows Registry (32-bit) or if you create a DSN-less connection that provides all required information in the Connect property.

Once the rdoConnection is opened by the RemoteData control, the DataSourceName property contains the DSN used to establish the connection it may be different from the value set before the connection is opened, because a user might select a data source from a list of valid DSN entries during the connection process.

If you change this property after the control's rdoConnection object is open, you must use the RemoteData control's Refresh method to open a new connection to the data source.