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Visual Basic: RDO Data Control

Connection Property (Remote Data)

See Also    Example    Applies To

Returns a reference to a RemoteData control's underlying rdoConnection object.




The Connection property syntax has these parts:

Part Description
connection An object expression that evaluates to a valid rdoConnection object.
object An object expression that evaluates to an object in the Applies To list.


When a RemoteData control is initialized, RemoteData opens a connection to the data source specified in the control's Connect property. The rdoConnection object created by RDO is exposed by the Connection property.

rdoConnection objects have properties and methods you can use to manage data. You can use any method of an rdoConnection object, such as Close and Execute, with the Connection property of a RemoteData control.

Except when associated with the RemoteData control, once a connection is made, the Connect property is completed with the values optionally supplied by the user and the ODBC driver manager. The Connect property of the rdoQuery contains this amended connect string.

The RemoteData control's Connect property is not changed after the connection is established. However, the completed connect string can be extracted from the RemoteData control's Connection property. For example:

FullConnect = MSRDC1.Connection.Connect